Family Handbook 2017-18
Used Textbooks
Jean Metcalfe, Cee Cee Robertson and Marie‐France Jobin
Communica ons
Mary Ashkar and Natasha MacParland
Special Events (Parent Luncheon, Staff Apprecia on Events)
Nicole Polygenis, Loree Meneguzzi, Shari Balcom, Sarah D'Souza, Alex Hodgson and Lisa Davies Jennifer Newton, Mary Dean, Carmen Mar nez, Nikole e Gayk, Sara Cohen‐Gelfand, Kristy McCurdy‐Franks and Steph Bloomfield
Mother Daughter Breakfast
Deb Meek and Steph Cohen
Father Daughter Amazing Race
Steven Rathwell
Mother Daughter JS Event
Alnar Meghji and Ply Rosenzweig
Mother Daughter Middle School
Beth Foley and Steph Young
Community Rep
Julia Gu
Parent Volunteers The HCPA also looks for volunteers to assist with school and parent events and for ongoing posi ons for the new school year. Each year, more than 250 parents volunteer their me and talents to support the school. We invite you to consider volunteering your services to Havergal, whether it be for a single event or throughout the year. Parents wishing to volunteer may indicate their area of interest on the HCPA online volunteer forms ( or may respond to specific requests throughout the year. Online volunteer forms are available on the Parent Portal ( ). HCPA Online Parent Volunteer Form Volunteering with the HCPA has never been easier! There are opportuni es suitable for every parent—you can volunteer throughout the school year or sign up for a specific event. To register online: 1. Log in to the Parent Portal at 2. On the le hand menu, select Parent Associa on and click on Volunteer Opportuni es.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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