Family Handbook 2017-18
9 and 10 must complete 40 hours of community involvement. However, students who enter Havergal College in Grade 11 must complete 20 hours of community involvement and students who enter Havergal College in Grade 12 must complete 10 hours of community involvement. All par cipants, including students and community sponsors, must be adequately covered by Havergal College’s insurance. Havergal College will not approve student par cipa on in any ac vi es that are on the Ministry of Educa on’s list of ineligible ac vi es, but it is important to note that subject to administra ve approval, students may be able to accumulate up to 10 community service hours volunteering at school‐sanc oned events, such as parent‐teacher conference mee ngs.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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