Family Handbook 2017-18
Policy on Summer School, Night School, Saturday School and Correspondence Courses
In order that an Ontario Secondary School Diploma granted by Havergal College reflects academic work done at the school, Havergal has implemented the following policy on supplementary courses. These include summer school courses, night school courses, courses delivered through the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) and Saturday courses. 1. Students must take all compulsory courses for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, including English 12 (ENG4U), at Havergal. 2. Students must take all prerequisite courses at Havergal, e.g., a student may not take Grade 11 Biology (SBI3U) in the summer and then register for Grade 12 Biology (SBI4U) at Havergal in a subsequent year. 3. Students will not be permi ed to register at an ILC, night school or Saturday school course if the course is offered and available to the student at Havergal. 4. Students registered in Saturday, night or ILC courses must maintain the minimum course load in their day program. If a student enters Grade 12 and needs six credits to fulfill the diploma requirement, she must be registered for six courses at Havergal. There may be excep ons to the above policy due to extenua ng circumstances such as prolonged illness, an extraordinary commitment (e.g., Na onal Team compe on) or other special needs. These excep ons will be determined on an individual basis by the VP, Teaching & Learning. Ministry Requirements for Community Involvement (Grades 9–12) In Ontario, every secondary school student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement ac vi es as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The purpose of the community involvement requirement is to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility. Through this program, students gain an understanding of the role they can play and the contribu ons they can make in suppor ng and strengthening their communi es. Another purpose of the community involvement requirement is to develop strong es between students and their community, fostering valuable partnerships and long‐term rela onships. Community involvement ac vi es may be completed at any me prior to gradua on. However, students may only begin accumula ng community involvement hours once they have completed their final day of Grade 8. Students who enter Havergal College from outside of Ontario in Grades
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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