Family Handbook 2017-18
provides guidance to the Havergal College Parent Associa on (HCPA). This ED spearheads the securing of financial support from poten al donors commi ed to the vision of the school and leads strategies to engage alumnae, parents and others in school life as volunteers, advocates and supporters. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the daily financial opera ons of the school, while driving Havergal’s long‐term strategy for fiscal sustainability. The CFO acts as the Treasurer of the Board of Governors and of The Havergal College Founda on. Addi onally, the CFO will be the staff liaison to the Chair of the Finance and Audit Commi ee and oversee the financial management of the school’s Master Plan. This role extends to the areas of Food Services, Informa on Technology, Facili es and the Business Office to ensure the smooth delivery of those func ons. Director of Facili es The Director of Facili es provides leadership throughout the school in se ng the direc on for the design, plans, construc on and maintenance of Havergal’s building, grounds, equipment, security, construc on and other facili es to achieve op mal u liza on. In addi on, the Director of Facili es ensures compliance with the regula ons and integrity of the historical status and designa on of the main building. Execu ve Director (ED) of People & Culture The Execu ve Director of People & Culture provides leadership and strategic oversight in the development and implementa on of contemporary human resources frameworks that con nue to a ract and retain a highly engaged, commi ed and professional workforce. As well, the ED of People and Culture is responsible for consul ng with senior leaders to align and implement human resources policies and programs that support Havergal’s philosophy, objec ves and strategic plan, as well as providing HR support to all employees. Director of Informa on Technology (IT) The Director of IT is responsible for providing vision and leadership in developing and implemen ng the informa on technology strategy to support the school’s strategic plan and mission. Working collabora vely with academic and administra ve staff, the Director of IT ensures the school’s network infrastructure and system servers provide a safe and reliable pla orm by
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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