Family Handbook 2017-18
Interim Head, Junior School (JK–6) The Interim Head, Junior School is responsible for the leadership and strategic oversight of the Junior School students, faculty and opera ons. The Interim Head ensures that effec ve strategies, resources and personnel are in place to meet the needs of students and faculty in the Junior School. Head, Senior School (Grades 9–12) The Head, Senior School has oversight for student support services, which includes student wellness, student discipline, the Teacher Advisor (TA) and House programs, student wellness as well as a endance and behaviour tracking. The Head, Senior School also organizes a speaker series for parents on issues related to student wellness. Execu ve Director (ED) of Enrollment Management The Execu ve Director of Enrollment Management provides leadership and strategic oversight for the projec on and management of Havergal’s enrollment from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12, for both day and boarding students. This ED is responsible for the recruitment, admission and reten on of Havergal students and all processes associated with these areas in order to support the sustainability of the school. As member of the SLT the ED sits on relevant Board Sub‐commi ees. Execu ve Director (ED) of Communica ons & Marke ng The Execu ve Director of Communica ons & Marke ng provides leadership and strategic oversight in the crea on and execu on of all of Havergal’s marke ng and communica ons programs and ac vi es. The ED of Communica on & Marke ng works to increase Havergal’s brand recogni on, ensures consistent messaging across the school’s online, social media and print material and manages public rela ons, media inquires and Havergal’s Crisis Communica ons Plan. Execu ve Director (ED) of Advancement & Community Rela ons The Execu ve Director of Advancement & Community Rela ons oversees the por olios of major gi s, annual giving, special events, alumnae communica ons and prospect research. As an ambassador for Havergal and the broader community, the ED of Advancement & Community
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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