Chronicle 2020

$ 26,236

CLASS OF 1954 ~ 65th Reunion


Members of the Class of 1954 Betty (Bet) Stanbury Curry, Sally Bryden McCulloch, Nancy Lord Spanton, Jean French Bell, Margaret Brown Don (behind), Joan Burns Addison, Jane Bredin Currie, Elizabeth Conway Adamson, Frances (Fran) Bond McElroy and Joanne Tolton Connolly (in front) at their 65th Reunion.

CLASS REPS: Elizabeth (Bet) Stanbury Curry and Frances Bond McElroy In 2019, the Class of 1954 celebrated our 65th Reunion with a most enjoyable June luncheon at the Thornhill Golf and Country Club. In preparation for this event, the Class Reps made a valiant attempt to personally chat with each class member for whom we had contact information. It was a gratifying experience even though finally, only 10 members were actually able to attend the luncheon. They are shown in the accompanying photo and included Jane Bredin Currie, Betty (Bet) Stanbury Curry, Margaret Brown Don, Joan Burns Addison, Elizabeth (Liz) Conway Adamson, Nancy Lord Spanton, Sally Bryden McCulloch, Joanne Tolton Connolly, Frances (Fran) Bond McElroy and Jean French Bell . We welcomed receiving news from a number of classmates. Jane Gunn Warner reported having a difficult year with health issues followed by the death of Colin, her husband of 35 years. She enjoys keeping in touch with classmates, reporting that Nancy Lord Spanton continues to enjoy life in Barrie, and Diana Pennington is happy with her move to Selkirk, MB. Penny Lash Lorimer enjoys keeping in touch with boarding school roommates and especially welcomes Christmas chats with Margot MacLaren Watt from Ottawa, who is still enjoying her cottage and her children and grandchildren. Patricia (Patty) GooderhamMorgenstern is happy with her move to Canmore and reports that she recently had

a lovely visit with Flavia Grant Duff Ormond in London, England, where they revisited old haunts from their time there in the sixties. Bet Stanbury Curry had an excellent year highlighted by a trip to both Geneva and Lake Como to spend time with her sons before heading with her daughter to Florida, where she spends the winter. Her many hobbies include puzzles, theatre and acting as a taxi person for the Turtle Trauma Centre. Jill Kerruish Strickland shared a great trip to New York with her sister in the fall. In the cold of Calgary, she reads, does puzzles and enjoys her cairn terrier. Ruth Milne keeps busy with bridge, theatre, long-time friends and her church in Burlington. Her bishop is Susan Bell, the former chaplain at Havergal. Vernanne Purdy Drummond enjoys her expanding family as well as PROBUS, movies and lunches with friends. Sally Bryden McCulloch looks forward to summers at her Muskoka cottage. Joanne Tolton Connolly visited London and took two wonderful cruises before returning to St. Augustine for the winter. Jean French Bell took two trips on her bucket list with her daughters - Iceland and then Pasadena for the Rose Bowl Parade. Shirley Proctor Lewis sent greetings from Barbados, where she was vacationing. Fran Bond McElroy spent three weeks in Paris before taking a barge trip from Paris to Bruges. Joan Burns Addison and Jane Bredin Currie attended their Wellesley nursing reunion last fall and also spent time together in Grand Cayman.


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