Chronicle 2020
$ 46,862
CLASS REPS: Jane Dalton Avery, Diane Drewry Elder, Fiona McHaffie McGaw and Joan Winearls As our 65th Reunion approaches, many of us realize the importance of keeping up those precious contacts with classmates from so many years ago. So we hope to see a good turnout for our next Reunion! Susan Scroggie Metcalf and her husband Rob celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last summer with a well-attended reception arranged by family and orchestrated by daughter Mary Metcalf Muir 1981. They had planned to take a Rocky Mountaineer trip in June and to visit their son Andrew and his family in Coquitlam, B.C. Last summer, Gladys Johnston Massey and Nancy (Netty) White Thoman had a nice reunion lunch with Veronica Szasz Dowd , who came to Toronto from New Jersey to see some family. Nancy held a very successful book launch in her condo for Patricia (Trish) Beatty ’s new book Two Voices , which features Trish’s poetry. Ann Clarke Rowe reports that she had a wonderful trip to Galapagos last winter. From time to time, she sees Mary O’Neil Wheeler , who lives at Waterford Retirement Home in Barrie, and Ann Goodrich Reynolds , who comes up to visit. Diane Drewry Elder has moved to a lower duplex with a gorgeous secluded garden. She has had hip replacement surgery in February and was soon up and walking. Betty Armitage Lawson still has a busy interior design business, plays tennis and is involved with a current events club, church activities and three book clubs. Joan Winearls had a short but good visit with Heather Kellerhals-Stewart at New Year’s. Heather was visiting Toronto with her daughter Erika and her children, and they came all the way from Vancouver by train, which she reports is a slow but effective way to see some beautiful wintry scenery and catch up with the family.
Fiona McHaffie McGaw stays in touch with Jean Keith Bryce , who is doing well at her seniors’ residence in Guelph. Fiona is still very active in cross country skiing, painting, and travelling and is involved with several community activities in Collingwood. Wendy Seedhouse Murray has given up tennis but enjoys a bit of travel to Connecticut and Oakville to visit her daughters. Monthly meetings at the PROBUS Club and Hamilton Third Age Learning group helps to keep her in touch with the 21st century! Susan Bicknell Leslie reports that on a wonderful trip to Australia (Perth and Sydney) at the end of September, she and her husband particularly enjoyed seeing indigenous animals and birds. Highlights were kangaroos and wallabies (some with joeys), koalas, emus, kookaburras and the exotic blue-breasted fairy wren. Elizabeth (Liz) Burnett Rolston has finally retired from her profession as an occupational therapist. Life continues nicely for her as she knits her way through two wonderful knitting groups, serves on several Belleville committees and enjoys the company of her husband and their three dogs. Jane Dalton Avery has had some recent health issues but is hoping she can make the next reunion. Sadly, Barbara Graham Carter lost her daughter to ALS, which she found very tough. She reports: “I still live in Oakville on the lake and am playing bridge, which forces me to focus! We are getting older, but let’s keep smiling!” She hopes to see lots of classmates at our Reunion. Due to COVID-19, Reunion Weekend has been shifted to May 29 and 30, 2021.
DEATHS Polly Steele Organ Vivien Sturdee
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