Chronicle 2018
$ 9,811
CLASS REPS: Lolly Gillen and Shelagh Speers Lorraine Baker bought a condo in Old Ottawa East. She curls with two clubs in Ottawa and Perth, kayaks and golfs! Pam Baker Glassof will travel to India with her sister to visit her son at the Badarikashrama ashram.Her husband is well again, for which she’s deeply grateful! Liz Belshaw Jenkins hiked the final Camino de Santiago in Spain, then toured Ireland with Bill. Most exciting was the arrival of her grandson Liam last July! Liam and his parents live in Ontario, so Liz lives on Facetime. Kim Edwards Simpson teaches Grade 1 for the Peel Board of Education. Her daughter Michelle is engaged; her daughter Nicole had her second child Pennyon Boxing Day; andher daughter Sarah is doing her masters in social workat York U. Janet Frost was busy with two celebrations of her daughter Clare’s marriage (in Switzerland and in B.C.),as well as her daughter April’s move to Ottawa for a post- doc fellowship. Janet and Brian enjoy stopovers in Ottawa on their summer trips to P.E.I. Lolly Gillen jetted to Buenos Aires, Manchester and Marseille as president of Squash Canada. After her nine- year board stint, she’ll campaign for Olympic inclusion and chair the 2019 Pan Am Junior Squash Championships in Toronto. After 20 years at Lollywood IX (home of our 30th, 35th and 40th Reunion dinners) Lolly has a new condo for us to christen in style! Susan (Sue) Jones Escoffery took a family transatlantic cruise and had so much fun that she and heryoungest are planning a repeat! She’s still teaching English toadult newcomers at Holland Collegein P.E.I. Judy Lamb-Jacobs reports that her granddaughter Vivian, born prematurely last February, is now thriving and her big brother Max 3 keeps them busy. Judy and Gordon travelledin Australia and New Zealand, and look forward to cottage time at Lake Muskoka and Balsam Lake.
Deb Le Barre Van Damme is off to France and Spain this fall, which means that she’ll miss our 45th. Next time, Deb! After 30 years in Victoria, B.C. raising three sons, Shirley Marsh returned to Toronto in 2016 and reunited with Anne Palmer , Lorraine Baker and Mairy Lloyd Merkley ! She’s currently backpacking around New Zealand and hopes to be in town for our reunion –her first! Lynn Plummer Morse and her family held a Morse reunion at Whistler in all its summer glory. After skiing in Revelstoke, she was off to Florida for sixweeks with Paul. Lynn’s still working in the mutual fund and insurance business.Her mom just turned 99! Mary Lou Sherman took early retirement in March and calls it her best decision ever! More time for fun and travel in 2018–Victoria and Calgary with family, then Newfoundland, Maritimes, England, Australia and New Zealand! Sara (Sally) Southey is enjoying life as both a 60+ wandering minstrel and a consultant!Great trips with Ben to the Antipodes and Indochina, and interesting gigs with the Canadian government and the European Union.Thank goodness for good health! Shelagh Speers moved to Cutler Bay, Florida last summer for a new job in the South Miami sunshine! Greg joined her after selling their N.Y.home, while her daughter Laura stayed in Manhattan to attend The New School. Shelagh just endured a left knee replacement! PLEASE COME to our 45th Reunion on September 29! Cocktails at Havergal, dinner at LOLLYWOOD X, Bayview and Steeles. Nothing compares to seeing each other again!
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