Chronicle 2018
The Class of 1972 celebrated its 45th Reunion last fall.
December from Imperial Oil and is working part time at an intellectual property law firm. Marilyn Rankin is retired from Hastings Prince Edward school board, enjoying travel and grandchildren. She and her husband enjoy hiking in Utah, Arizona, California and B.C. Her husband continues to recruit international students, so she often joins him on the Europe and Brazil jaunts. Karin Vaarsi Rannala could not make it to the reunion, as she and Harry were visiting their daughter Kati and their son-in-law in London, England. Their daughter Julia, her husband and their two sons Gavin and Connor live in Toronto. Their son Markus currently lives in Ucluelet, B.C.
Thank you all for your news; the long version of 2,000 words will be e-mailed to you. As for my news: I ( Márta Ecsedi ) continue to enjoy my retirement, my many volunteer activities and, of course, my family. John is contentedly retired, Laura 38 is a biomedical engineer with two wonderful boys (three, if you count her great husband Jeff) and Eric 25 is a licensed auto mechanic.
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