Chronicle 2018
$ 54,685
CLASS REPS: Margaret (Margie) Ryrie Pacini and Jane Robinson I ( Jane Robinson ) love the updates and was really excited to hear from Muriel Smith Jarvis , who was only with us for Grade 13 but still feels connected. She lives in St. Andrews By-the-Sea, N.B., is nowretiredand very activewithwalking, curling, skiing, yoga, kayaking and sailing. They have five grandchildren living in B.C. and New Zealand. Philippa Samworth plans to continue with her law practice for many years because she still finds it exciting. Her son Alex finished medical school and her daughter Emma is in first year of veterinary school. Philippa travelled to Quebec City with Laurel Vanderburgh last fall. Jill Bennett ’s daughter Juli is graduating from veterinary school this spring. Jill bought a small trailer for her 65th birthday and took to the road as part of her Canada 150 celebration. One of her visits was with Margie Ryrie Pacini , Kathy Weekes Southee and Jane Robinson on Georgian Bay. Margie’s travels last year were to Hilton Head and Quebec City. She continues to enjoy her work with the National Ballet and volunteering with the Junior League. Kathy spends winters on the slopes at Camp Fortune and Mount Tremblant and summers at her cottage on Georgian Bay. Sybil Patterson Reburn also had a visit with Jill in Huntsville. When Sybil’s son Andrew was married in California, she had a chance to catch up with Ninkey Adamson Dalton-Eglee . Judy
Nichols Reynolds now lives in Progreso, Mexico for nine months of the year. They love the laid-back life and getting involved in the community. When not in Mexico, they have a trailer on a golf course near Lethbridge, AB. Barbie Smith Cuffley continues to work in Calgary’s health-care system and has a new career as unit clerk, trained on eight different units. Carole Rubin made a move down from her hilltop retreat to a small cottage with an ocean view. Her latest project is knitting toques and scarves for the local food bank. Barb Baker Tordoff moved to Port Hope seven years ago and this year, discovered that Sally Flatt Brown also lives there. Barb spent four months in Puerto Vallarta in the winter, spent four weeks in Yorkshire and toured Italy. Shelagh Tippet-Fagyas retired in November and divides her time between Toronto and Naples, Florida. She will be travelling to the Baltic, Germany and Hungary this summer. Wendy Young-Jones plans to sell the ranch in New Mexico and move, possibly, to Arizona. She studies tap and flamenco and has added “geriatric jazz” to the mix. I met Monica Siig Heron at the Royal Alex in the fall. Last year, she spent three months in Malaga, Spain, a month in France with friends and a week in Greece for a cousin’s wedding. She is trying to catch up on all of the opera, ballet and theatre that she has missed in her working career. I also spent time in Spain last fall, visiting friends in Estepona and then travelling to Malaga and Madrid.
$ 43,633
CLASS REPS: Judy Betteridge Haust and Elizabeth White Lesley LeMesurier Alboini reports that all is well. Gillian Anderson is on the upswing after dealing with cancer and can’t emphasize enough the importance of the support of friends. She enjoys travelling, gardening and skiing. Her daughter and son-in-law now live five minutes away and are expecting their first baby this summer. Her son’s family is expecting a second child a month later. Gill noted that
Heather Moore Irwin ’s daughter was on the Canadian Olympic halfpipe snowboard team in PyeongChang. Susan Robinson Bell divides her time between Atlanta and Picton. She now has four grandchildren under the age of four. Janet Redfern Beddoe travelled to India and is enjoying five grandsons and volunteer work. Both she and Wendy Phillips Barrett look forward to our 50th! Juliana Thompson Boyd celebrated her oldest son’s marriage on Hornby Island. She reported that being in
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