Chronicle 2018
to attend our 50th Reunion. Rosemary Taylor McIntosh has three grandsons. She spent her winter in Floridawith lots of tennis and golf. Simone Creed recently moved into The Balmoral. Her son says that the lobby looks like Game of Thrones , but she calls it The Best Marigold Hotel . Her globe-trotting took her: through the Maritimes to Quebec City, golfing and biking along the way; setting up her Mom for the winter in the Dominican Republic; a South Padre Island trip biking the 25-mile beach and golfing; New York City to welcome her daughter Samantha’s son Malcom (Simone’s fourth grandchild); and, lastly, a visit to her daughter Caroline skiing in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Spring plans include a road trip from Calgary to Vancouver with visits to Salt Spring and Tofino. When not travelling, Simone is
creating – she has an art show from March through April at the Heliconian. Betsy Cruikshank Swaine also plans some travelling this year: to a Tuscan villa in May; in August, her annual trip to Maine for lobster; the U.K. in September to visit her son and then on to Paris for The Ryder Cup tournament, followed by a week touring Normandy! Janet Rankin Hambleton , living in Montreal, has two happily married sons living in Texas. Her eight grandchildren range in age fromtwo to18. She still teaches immigrants at an adult education centre. Widowed for 13 years, she has dated a retired orthopaedic surgeon for the past 10 years. Their travel together included the new year in Cannes and St. Lucia over March break, as well as past cruises to Tahiti, Greece and more.
$ 29,424
CLASS REP: Virginia (Ginny) Marshall Your 50th Reunion is approaching! We hope to celebrate with all of you in the fall of 2019. More information will follow in the new year.
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