Chronicle 2018
Members of the Class of 1954.
Architecture at Laurentian University. Anne, in Victoria, has just completed her second memoir – Inland Navigation by the Stars – to be published this spring, while still gardening at Government House and otherwise keeping busy with friends. Sally organized a Robbie Burns Night this year, continuing her great involvement in the Bath community. Nancy continues her volunteer work with the VON “Smart Program” leading exercises for seniors in Barrie. Unfortunately, both Jane W. and Penny have had heart problems this year, but are in good spirits. After Penny’s heart attack, her family rallied around to look after her in shifts and she is hoping to get into the “Healthy Heart Program” in Vancouver soon. Jane came through her surgery splendidly and now feels much better. Vernanne Purdy Drummond also reported having had surgery this year.
We know that there is much more we could report about the Class of 1954 but, unfortunately, we did not hear from everyone. To those who answered – we thank you. To those from whom we did not hear – we look forward to hearing from you next year!
DEATHS Linda Gower DeMorest Audrey Prettie Mason Janet Coutts Tieman
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