Chronicle 2018
$ 116,424
CLASS REPS: Nancy Turville Bongard, Jill Bartlett Colley and Diana (Di) Porritt Greer We have been graduates from Havergal for 65 years now. WOW. Put aside September 29th and 30th, for a Class Reunion. Our year’s grads are doing well. Betty Bunting Duffield continues to perform the role of patient in doctor’s training sessions in London, ON. Judith Francis Kilbourne is travelling a lot. Three years ago, she started “philharmonikids,” a fundraiser that helps provide musical instruments to kids aged five to 10 years. Arden Wells King, Jill Bartlett Colley, Anne Aitken Baker, Janet Rough Young and Di Porritt Greer are all living full, active lives. Nancy Bongard had a very serious back operation, but is working extremely hard at physio to return to her busy life in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Carly Pepler is still travelling; she went to Mexico and Malta in 2017. Barbara (Bobby) CLASS REPS: Brenda Duggan Charters, Elizabeth (Bet) Stanbury Curry and France (Fran) BondMcElroy Although some of us are facing health challenges, it is heartening to hear that many of us continue to savour all that life has to offer to the best of our abilities. In all of this, it is apparent that family and friends have become increasingly important. Jane Bredin Currie reports that she enjoyed the weddings of two of her grandsons this year, while Nancy Lord Spanton writes that she now has 13 grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren. Elda Phipps Thomas spent a wonderful Christmas at the cottage with all of her family and also enjoyed a visit with her sprightly 103-year-old mother-in- law. Anne Coleman reports that she loves any chance she gets to spend time with all of her family, including five great-grandchildren. Vernanne Purdy Drummond welcomed a second great-grandson. Sally Bryden McCulloch hosted a get-together at her Muskoka cottage last summer for six Havergal friends CLASS OF 1954
O’Connor Sparrow is still involved as a volunteer in the Calgary political arena. NormaWellerRomanelli fundraises for a long-term care facility in Parry Sound. Cynthia Wight Rossano is still serving as a writer and editor at Harvard and beyond. She writes and edits academic books and field exhibitions, and she works with students. “The Cynthia Wight Rossano Prize in Harvard History” is an annual undergraduate award established in her honour at Harvard; Havergalians should apply. Cynthia’s three children and six grandchildren flourish. Her grandniece Lisa Wight and goddaughter’s daughter Martha MacDonald (both in her house – Kate Leonard) graduated from the school last spring. She loves to hear from classmates coming to Boston. Please save the September weekend for our reunion.
DEATHS Gail Cowie Turner
$ 26,141
who have known each other since Blythwood days – including Jane, Betty (Bet) Stanbury, Frances (Fran) Bond McElroy and Jean French Bell . Jane (Gunner) Gunn Warner had Fran and Penny Lash Lorimer over for tea when the McElroys were in Vancouver. Once again, Joan Burns Addison and Jane Bredin Currie enjoyed time together in Grand Cayman. Travelstook Patricia(Patty)GooderhamMorgenstern to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Fran and Bet to Croatia and Slovenia, and Shirley Proctor Lewis to Paris and Greece. Susan Radley Fraser spends her winter in Florida. Bet has also spent time there at her son’s place, although for much of the year, she enjoys her Stony Lake home. Several of our classmates and their families have become involved in really fascinating enterprises. Elda continues her work helping men to integrate back into society after they have left prison. Jill Kerruish Strickland ’s architect son has been instrumental in establishing a new School of
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