Chronicle 2018
Meghan Junke (co-ordinator special events) is enjoying her new job at U of T.
Barb Swanson (guidance counsellor) is still running her own educational advising service (, helping students and their families navigate their post- secondary choices. She is busy, but really enjoys the work that helps pay for her travel addiction. Larry Tayler (MS English and drama)…follow Larry’s travels via his blog ‘Making Eye Statements’. He returned to Australia this spring. His photographs – some quirky, some humorous and all beautiful – tell you a lot about the man behind the camera. Graciela Taylor (Spanish) has moved from Pickering to Whitby, Ontario to a lovely apartment filled with paintings and sculpture, most produced by her or her husband. Mary Lou Tigert (human resources) volunteers with a number of horticultural organizations in Toronto. Last fall, she travelled with one club (which includes a few Havergal grads) and enjoyed two weeks in Japan. Annette Whiteley (accountant) travelled to California to see her new grandson. “He is precious.” She returned briefly to Toronto, then spent the remainder of the winter in Florida. Priscilla Winn Barlow (principal) is still recovering from an accident that caused a nasty, complicated fracture in the shaft of her femur. Louise Yearwood (executive director, advancement and community relations) continues to enjoy her job at Victoria University, U of T and her volunteer church work.
At the time of writing, Dorothy Lancaster (JS principal) is recovering from a nasty bout of viral pneumonia. She is enjoying her work in the parish of Deer Park Anglican Church. Alistair Macrae (social sciences department) continues to teach on a part-time basis for the U. of T. School of Continuing Studies and Ryerson U’s E. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education. Jenn Geronimo Peirce (JS French) and her husband are currently teaching at an international IB school in Abu Dhabi. She is continuing her work with the choir and helping to run a full primary school musical this year. They are expecting a baby girl in May and Hunter is excited that he will be a big brother. Valerie Rixon (JS teacher) and Catherine Henderson (JS teacher) are living in England. They get together whenever possible and this spring, explored the Chiltern Hills. Joanie O’Connor Roper (Old Girls director) and her husband were in St. Barts for three weeks, “soaking up the rays.” Darlene Sinnott (JS librarian) had orthopedic foot surgery in January. While she was recovering, she wrote an article about the Needlework Guild of Canada. The article was submitted to the Retired Teachers of Ontario and published in print and online in the Toronto newsletter. Valerie (Aston, Braybon) Smith (French) died recently after many years of slow decline caused by Alzheimer’s disease.
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