Chronicle 2018
Sue Ditchburn (principal) continues her work on various boards and committees and is pleased when the hockey season comes to an end, and she can watch her grandson play badminton and volleyball in the warmth of a gymnasium.
A record number of former staff gathered for Prayers, followed by breakfast in the Ellen Knox Library for their annual reunion on November 27. Jean Sheppard (English) spoke in Prayers about her experience at Havergal. She is currently writing the history of the school, in preparation for the celebration of Havergal’s 125th anniversary next year. Sue Bell We congratulate The Reverend Canon Susan Bell, former school chaplain, on her election to serve as bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara. She will be the first woman to serve as diocesan bishop. Sarah Bruce (physical education) and her family are returning to Toronto from Aberdeen, Scotland. Sarah will be taking up the position of head of Greenwood School. Nora Evans (director of food services) let us know of the death of Myra Badley. Myra was the cook who made the wheatsheaf bread for the altar at Thanksgiving each year. Juliana Buck (global experience co-ordinator) is recovering well from the treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is back at work at St. Clement’s Anglican Church. Rosemary Corbett (vice-principal) and her husband Fred took a wonderful trip to South Africa this spring. She continues her volunteer work on the committee of the local ratepayers’ association. Leta Dayfoot (JS dance) spent time in Calgary this winter, helping her daughter who was recovering from ankle surgery. Marcelle De Freitas’ (Spanish/sewing) celebrated her 97th birthday on December 18 with Susan Ladle (biology) Judy Ratcliffe (phys-ed) and Brenda Robson (dean of students). Priscilla Cole (physics and chemistry teacher) died just before Christmas, at the age of 91.
Not only is our friend Encarnita Gardner (Spanish) a poet, she is also a fine artist.
Ylita Garland (assistant to the head of the JS) and her husband have been in Santa Barbara this winter. They were able to enjoy themselves in spite of two major disasters.
Iris Giggs (JS ballet teacher) died peacefully on October 16, 2017.
Mary Graham (assistant to the principal) and her husband are happy to be able to spend more time in their home in France. Phyllis Greenberg (English and guidance) travels to New York often to see Rebecca and her two little girls, and the Toronto girls have her heart the rest of the time. Susan Hall (JS physical education) and her family are enjoying life in Vancouver, along with several other former staff members. Mary Hellin (guidance counsellor) and her husband spend the winter in Palm Springs. When they are home in Toronto, they are busy with the grandchildren, Leah and Lewis. Eleanor Hirshfeld (English) and her husband went to Dubai in November to visit daughter Beth Hirshfeld 1996 and her husband, followed by a cruise on the Mekong River. Cathy Lepper Hitchcock (physical education) and her husband made their annual visit to Fort McMurray to see their youngest daughter.
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