Chronicle 2018
$ 168,591
CLASS REPS: Delara Alameddine, Rachel Gladstone and Olivia Parry The Class of 2010 has had another eventful and exciting year! Mira Daljeet is graduating from Boston University School of Dental Medicine this May with her DMD degree. She will be starting her orthodontics residency at the State University of New York at Buffalo dental school in July. She will miss Boston, but is looking forward to being a bit closer to home! Emily Halperin is a child and family therapist working with children, youth and families who have experienced potentially traumatic events. Annie Lawson made a career shift from corporate communications to corporate fundraising and events in October, after accepting a job with MLSE Foundation, the charitable arm of Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment. She is thoroughly enjoying her new position and can’t wait to see what new experiences the future holds. Jennifer Stanley has taken a leap of faith and moved out West, and now calls Vancouver home. She also made a career shift into the wonderful world of tech and is working in customer success at a startup in Gastown. She will enjoy the health benefits of steady rain, CLASS REPS: Keira Azzopardi, Shivani Kalra, Chantal Li and Allison Spiegel Taya Rosenberg was accepted to, and is deciding between, a master’s in law and a master’s in choral studies at the University of Cambridge and spends her spare time conducting a small choir. Keira Azzopardi graduated from occupational therapy and travelled to Thailand and Vietnam, before starting work this September. Shonara Gibson became involved with the CouchSurfing community, connecting with travellers passing through Toronto from all over the world. She also discovered a new love for biking and completed her first 20K. Sarah Baert will be graduating from the Ontario Veterinary College in June and starting a job as an CLASS OF 2011
ocean breezes and mountain hikes! In June, Madina Weiler is graduating from medical school at the University of Limerick in Ireland. She looks forward to starting an internal medicine residency at Western University in July. Natasha Switzman is starting her last year at Northwestern in Chicago for her MD/MPH dual program…and is excited to graduate in spring 2019. Jess Haag is working at Rightsleeve Marketing, a promotional products marketing company in Toronto. She was recently promoted to account manager and likes working with her clients in the corporate, university and camp worlds! Emma Walter graduated from law school at the University of Cambridge this past July, and is currently completing her master’s degree at the University of Toronto. She is thrilled to commence her articling program at Stikeman Elliott this coming August. Jess Thomson graduated from Western University law school in the spring of 2017, and is articling at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. Vivien Sung works as a finance manager at a tech startup in New York. Kristen Platt was proposed to on the front steps of Havergal College – she said yes! Let’s continue to communicate over Facebook and Instagram! emergency veterinarian. Elizabeth Wilson is working in debt capital markets at Merrill Lynch Toronto. She is living with her older sister Catherine Wilson 2010 in Leslieville. She is active with Cycle for Survival and volunteers at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Shivani Kalra and Simrin Sennik are graduating with medical degrees from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in June. Cindy Zhou has been working as a kids’ footwear merchandiser for Adidas and travels in her spare time. She is still longboarding and running events out of PDX. She recently bought a house in Portland. Claire Toole graduated with her master’s in art, law and business at Christies Education in London in November CLASS OF 2011 BURSARY TOTAL AS AT MAY 31, 2018 $ 177,795
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