Chronicle 2018
Rebecca Perlmutar is working as a styling assistant in London as well. Felicia Yeung is working as a doctor in the British National Health Service. Anya Gregory is now living in Belgium and Marlies Farrill has just moved to Holland. Baye Drury has been living in the U.K. countryside outside of London for the past two-and-a-half years and is doing her master’s of osteopathy. In her spare time, she enjoys rowing and working with lambs and ewes on a family-run produce and small-scale sheep farm in the Kent farmlands.
We are so looking forward to seeing as many people as possible at our 10th Reunion in the fall. If you haven’t already done so, please get in touch with Carolyn, Andaleeb or Alexandra to update your contact details.
MARRIAGES Sarah Spear to Christopher Rhind Kirsten Wong to Mark Hannay
$ 301,936
CLASS REPS: Caitlin Collis, Mary Elizabeth (Beth) McNeil and Jessica Mealia After six months of travelling through Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Ali MacKellar found herself back in Toronto and in a new position as a land development manager at a real estate development firm. This summer, she has been selected as a women’s mountain bike ambassador for Norco Bicycles and is looking forward to partnering with a progressive brand to get more women on mountain bikes! This year was big for Emma Romano with respect to sports injuries. She broke (fractured) her arm (wrist) in an intense game of softball and stubbed her toe pretty hard while curling. Besides those extremely severe injuries, the year has been full of travelling around Europe with her pal Victoria Zaric , and learning how to make side salads with her other pal Jennifer Heaton 2010. It’s also looking like the Law Society might let Emma become a lawyer this year. Caitlin Cimowsky has been living it up in the Bay Area. While her day job involves receiving e-mails directly from Rihanna (the Barbadian singer, songwriter and actress), in her spare time Caitlin likes to sample wines and play with her adorable French bulldogs. She has also recently taken up yodeling after being inspired by the Walmart kid. This year, Victoria Zaric has been working hard (or
hardly working, depending on who you ask. For instance, if you asked a complete stranger he or she might say hardly working, but that stranger would be very wrong). She also spent a number of weeks with Emma Romano bopping around Europe making new friends. This year, Ellen Hardy and Sophie Hamr got lob (long bob) haircuts. Carolyn Pelletier has spent much of the past year rewriting the lyrics to popular songs. Her version of Julia Michaels’ Issues has become very popular in Croatia. This year, Robyn Troop moved to the nation’s capital. She spends much of her free time trying to photobomb Justin Trudeau. The Prime Minister’s RCMP detail now carries a wallet-sized photo of Robyn wherever they go. Niamh Barry spent the past year trying to connect with the 44 other Niamh Barrys on Facebook. Her messages have so far gone unanswered, but she can see that they’ve been read. Irene Flatley has spent the year developing new emojis to submit to Apple. She is currently awaiting the company’s response to the “half-popped bubble wrap” emoji. Veronica Grail started at Florida Hospital in Orlando in the family medicine residency program. Beth McNeil achieved her lifelong dream of perfecting French macarons.
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