Chronicle 2018
BIRTHS Christine Szentgyorgyi – a son Bronwen Goouch – a son Kristin O’Rourke Nevin – a daughter Conor Molly Moncrieff – a daughter
jump and wine-tasting). Tory Clarke is married with one son and a dog living in Toronto. She continues to collect the Class News.
MARRIAGES Mary Grant Jessica Sheehan
$ 67,735
CLASS OF 2002 ~ 15th Reunion
The Class of 2002 at their 15th Reunion.
CLASS REPS: Sarah Rea, Caitlin Peddie Stark and Candice Tse Courtney Ashton lives in Toronto with her husband and daughters, and practises corporate and securities law with Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. Kim Baker is living in London, Ontario, working at Ingersoll hospital as a family doctor and hospitalist. Natalie Reisman Breger is taking a short break from her in-house counsel role with Tim Hortons (Restaurant Brands International) to nuzzle her third baby – a son – born this past September. Alex Brown Carlson and her husband Andrew welcomed their second son Cedric Charles Carlson on July 6, 2017.
He’s pictured with his big brother Wesley. When she is not busy running after her 2-year-old daughter Elizabeth (Betty), Clarice (Reesy) Dale Cartwright is enjoying her job as a financial officer at the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Growth. Alishah Damji works at Michael Garron Hospital on an assertive community treatment team serving the most severe of the mentally ill in the community. For the Aga Khan Health Board for Canada, she manages a national team teaching mental health first aid with a focus on youth mental health. Jocelyn Deacon is living and working in Toronto and enjoys being a part of the growing tech scene in our city
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