Chronicle 2018
$ 62,281
CLASS REPS: Victoria (Tory) Clarke, Jessica Sheehan and Frances Anne Black Strauss
company D2L (a.k.a. Desire2Learn). Olivia Lee is working in the finance/accounting industry in Asia. She has two kids aged 2 and 4-and-a-half. Her elder son is enjoying school every day and loves playing with his younger sister. Claire Harrigan completed her fellowship in forensic psychiatry at CAMH in September 2017 and began her new job as a forensic psychiatrist at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences in October 2017. She became engaged to her fiancé Tom Turner in March 2017 and is looking forward to their Canadian/British wedding in August 2018. Beth Cole Pollock is still living in Calgary, working as treasurer at Gibson Energy. She actively volunteers in the community and was recently awarded the United Way’s Culbert Family Award for Philanthropy for charitable giving. Joanna Griffiths was a finalist for the E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year Awards for her company Knixwear and launched a new teen line of period- proof underwear called Knix Teen, which is designed to help young girls be the boss of their periods. Selene Vakharia Nemethy-Fekete launched SMRTWOMEN– a community for aspiring and working female entrepreneurs. They have since held networking events, a coaching program, and partnered on a conference for women in the Yukon. Yvonne Kai and her husband are now living in Las Vegas and her soap company – Come Clean Soap – is now available at Bloomingdale’s and Nordstrom nationwide and at select art museums! Laura Elgar Greenwood welcomed her second child this year, a beautiful baby boy. His older sister is very proud. They are enjoying family life in Ottawa. Sharon Chakkalackal works as a senior policy advisor at the Ministry of Community and Social Services. In her time off, she travels to San Francisco, India and Montreal. She appreciates dance, watercolour and acrylic painting and bike rides. Emily Meuser is practising Aboriginal law for the government of Ontario. Conor Molloy Moncrieff had a baby girl, Eleanor Rose, born on Dec 6, 2017. Caitlin Martin-Evans Watson finished her CHRP designation in the fall while on maternity leave following the arrival of her second son Walt. She joined Crescent School in the fall. Robin McLernon is working in the exciting P3 world and travelling across Canada building critical infrastructure for our country. Jessica Sheehan went on a trip to Iceland. She also got engaged and married. Following her wedding in August, she travelled to Balmoral Castle and had an audience with the Duke of Edinburgh. The year ended with her honeymoon to New Zealand (which included a bungee
Christine Szentgyorgyi and her husband had their second child, a boy named William, in May 2017. Carla Joffe is mom to a hilarious red-headed 20-month-old named Henry, with whom she spends as much time as possible…mostly cruising the Leslieville park scene and looking for tractors. In addition, she is the director of business development at a test kitchen and creative agency called THP; they create awesome (and delicious) digital content for food and beverage brands across North America. She is also a spin and yoga teacher and teaches at Energia Athletics in the east end. Lizzie McNeely is on parental leave with her 1-and-a-half-year- old and 4-year-old children. Stephanie Finkleman recently relocated from San Francisco to Los Angeles, continuing her work on the music team at Apple. Allison Gollob Lowney is living in Toronto with her wonderful husband and working as an art director and costume designer for a dance costume company in Scarborough. Mary Grant was married at the Arcadian Court on October 8, 2017. She moved into Lawrence Park, near Havergal, three years ago and is currently a radiologist in downtown Toronto. She is also doing medicine for film and television, consulting on scripts, props, set design and various roles. She guest-starred as the radiologist in Niels Arden Oplev’s 2017 remake of Flatliners and as a trauma doctor in season 1 (2017) of Kiefer Sutherland’s Designated Survivor, among others. Bronwen Goouch-Alsop had a busy and amazing year as her family has grown to four! She has loved every minute with her little ones. Liam is now nine months and Emma is 2-and-a-half years old. Christelle Harris is celebrating her eighth year as a part of her family’s group operations in Jamaica. Recently, she’s been playing more of an integral role in operations at their luxury boutique hotel in Kingston and spearheading an international distribution agreement for their rum distillery projects. She is also excited about working on a real estate development project with the group, beginning in 2018. Kristin O’Rourke Nevin is living in Boston and had a little girl Charlotte “Charlie” Irwin on December 20, 2017. Emilee Irwin Peterson is loving living in Kenya and exploring the region with her husband Ben and two puppies Indy and Shay. She was also recently promoted and now leads global government relations and public affairs operations for the Canadian-based education technology
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