Chronicle 2017
$ 55,540
CLASS OF 2001 ~ 15th Reunion
The Class of 2001 gathered at the home of Victoria Clarke 2001.
CLASS REPS: Victoria (Tory) Clarke, Jessica Sheehan and Frances Anne Black Strauss Elizabeth (Liz) Adamson moved from Sydney to Darwin and is enjoying the community feel. Carrie Anderson welcomed her first child and moved to Riverdale near the Danforth. Jessica (Jess) Bolla is the legal research and volunteer co-chair for the equality effect (e2), an organization which uses human rights law to protect the rights of girls and women so that they can be safe from sexual violence, get an education and fulfil their economic potential. Sharon Chakkalackal started a new job at the Ministry of Community and Social Services. She enjoys travelling, yoga and weight resistance classes. Mother of two Caroline Chua (Kassam) just moved to Markham, ON, to be closer to her family medicine practice. Stephanie Finkleman works at Apple Music and enjoys life in California. Bronwen Goouch-Alsop is expecting her second child and loves cooking, reading and connecting with friends. Joanna Griffiths ’ company Knix Wear completed a $50k gift campaign with North York
General Hospital to support the purchase of a new breast biopsy table. Knix Wear was named by Fast Company as one of the top-10 inventions that “changed women’s lives in 2016.” Claire Harrigan is finishing her forensic psychiatry subspecialty year at CAMH and starts a staff forensic psychiatry position at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences in Whitby. Yee-Wan (Yvonne) Kai moved to Las Vegas and her beauty line Come Clean Pop Culture Soap is in more than 50 stores worldwide. Trilby Kent ’s book Once, in a Town Called Moth was shortlisted for a Governor General’s Award and included in the Globe and Mail ’s Best Books of 2016. She teaches at U of T and Humber College and also reviews for the Globe and Quill & Quire . Lindsay Knowlton is busy with Iron Lady Golf and is taking her programming into schools to help younger girls learn a new way to acquire knowledge about golf and boost confidence. Alison (Ali) Gollob Lowney is working as the art director for a Canadian costume company. She loves to travel, most recently to Croatia and next to France. Emilee
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