Boarding School Handbook 2023-24

Power Outage Procedure All Boarding students will meet in their assigned Common Room. 1. Boarding Staff will manually unlock access to central entrances and take attendance. 2. The Boarding Staff on Duty will collect the Emergency Binder, fire list, first aid kit and phone list (emergency numbers; guardians and parents), iPad and cell phone. 3. The Boarding Staff will then begin contacting guardians upon notification from Administration to evacuate the Boarding School (Facilities will notify the Principal or designate). There are a number of battery-operated emergency lighting units placed around the Boarding School in case of power failure (which are inspected regularly). The Boarding Office and Head of Boarding Office have large flashlights and headlamps. If there is no heat (winter), the Boarding students and staff may relocate to either the Junior School or St. Ansgar Church.


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