Boarding School Handbook 2023-24

Failure to Comply with the Code of Conduct or the Boarding Policies, Procedures and Expectations Progressive discipline is an approach used by the College to address inappropriate incidents and/or behaviours. It makes use of a continuum of interventions, supports and sanctions that builds upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. This may include reminders, review of expectations, detentions, contact with parents/guardians, loss of privileges, written reflection, conflict mediation and resolution, behavioural and/or academic agreements, referral for support services, suspension and expulsion. In general, the severity of consequence and the steps taken by the school will be consistent with the nature and degree of the behaviour in relation to the progressive disciplinary approach. Each case will be dealt with individually. No two infractions are exactly alike, nor are the needs of offenders necessarily similar. We recognize that each student is a unique individual and that every situation that requires disciplinary action has its own set of extenuating circumstances, which are duly considered in every case. Students who are found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct or the policies, procedures or expectations of the Boarding Program will receive a consequence that is age and developmentally appropriate. For students with a psycho-educational assessment, consequences must be consistent with the students’ strengths and needs, reflected in the recommendations articulated in the assessment. Minor Infractions Minor infractions are low-level rule or expectations violations and behaviour issues that are addressed by staff dealing directly with the situation. Examples might include a student using inappropriate language toward another student or staff, leaving a mess in a common or shared space, or being uncooperative. Minor infractions are not chronic and are resolved as they occur. Such infractions are managed by the staff involved and carry the expectation that the offending student immediately apologizes and/or takes responsibility and action to correct the situation. If a minor infraction cannot readily resolve, or is part of a chronic pattern of misconduct, the incident is considered a major infraction. Major Infractions Major infractions are violations of fundamental rules and expectations involving issues of respect, community obligations, Boarding School guidelines and the Havergal College Code of Conduct and Progressive Discipline policy. Such offenses might include chronic tardiness, abuse of light-outs or disrespectful behaviour toward another student or staff. Infractions may result in warnings, restrictions, loss of privilege(s) or other consequences deemed appropriate by staff. Infractions typically incur natural consequences. For example, If a student fails to sign out when she leaves campus, they will be restricted to campus, or if a student is up after lights-out, they may receive 30 minutes early lights out the following night. Such consequences are assigned by staff, and students are expected to abide by these consequences in good faith. Every effort is made to assure that all disciplinary consequences are appropriate. This level of infraction may be reported to the Assistant Head of Boarding or Head of Boarding.


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