Boarding School Handbook 2023-24

Section 10: Student Services

Insurance—Personal The school is not responsible for loss of the personal effects of students. Parents should check with their insurance agents to ensure continuation of appropriate coverage while their children are at school. Safety and Security In addition, a Boarding Team member and Senior staff are on call to the Boarding School 24 hours a day on weekdays and weekends. Havergal Security Officers are also on site and routinely patrol the building and grounds. For safety reasons, we encourage students to travel in pairs whenever possible. Outdoor exercise is only permitted during daylight hours; off-campus jogging may only occur with a buddy and students must provide their detailed route. They must also carry identification and preferably a mobile device. Students are responsible for their belongings. Valuables should be locked away when students are out of their rooms. Student rooms have locks on the doors. Students are responsible for closing and locking their doors and for keeping their keys and swipe cards in their possession at all times. Students are encouraged to sign in their passports and any important documentation with the Boarding Staff in the Boarding School Office. Items are stored in individual files and kept in a safe. Students may have access to these items at any time. Laundry Service Laundry service is provided by our Housekeeping Staff and is available 7 days per week for students. It is essential that all clothing be clearly labelled in order to facilitate efficient sorting and to prevent clothing from being misplaced. In addition, laundry facilities are available for students who choose to do their own laundry during free time (up until 10 pm). Laundry soap is available in the Boarding School Office. Housekeeping Students are expected to keep their own rooms tidy on a daily basis. However, each student will have their room cleaned at least once per week by the Housekeeping Staff. Bathrooms are cleaned daily and garbage pails are emptied.


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