Boarding School Handbook 2023-24

Section 9: Technology & Communication

Managing Personal Devices All Boarding rooms are equipped for internet use 24 hours per day. The Boarding School has effective WiFi that enables students to complete all academic requirements. Each student will be assigned a school email address. As a community, we value our human connections and understand that positive relationships anchor resilient and inclusive environments. We encourage students to manage their use of mobile devices in a respectful manner, contributing to formal and informal opportunities to be intentionally present in their interactions with each other, the faculty and the staff. We create an environment of high expectations for behaviour and educate our students to have the understanding and skills to rise to this. At times, the school will explicitly direct students to participate in activities that are device-free. At all times, students are to be mindful of their responsibility to manage their personal devices in accordance with the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy (which can be found here: Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement - Upper School). Cell Phones/Mobile Devices Cell phones are permitted; however, students may use them during their free time only. Students are encouraged to limit their cell phone use at school and during meal times. Cell phones may not be used during study time. Staff may provide the needed support, including confiscation, if these expectations are not met. Parent Communication There are a variety of modes in regards to communication with parents. The Boarding Team makes considerable effort to have open and frequent communication with parents and guardians. The Boarding Staff will typically use email and telephone to contact parents as the primary mode of contact. However, Zoom is another resource that can be used for one-on-one conversations. The Head of Boarding sends out a weekly email to parents to keep them abreast of events and activities in Boarding in order to include them more fully in their child’s Boarding experience. As well, monthly Zoom meetings will be held for parents to connect with the Head of Boarding and staff during the course of the year. Twice a year (January and June), a Boarding Report will be sent home to parents. The Boarding Report is a summary of your child’s time here at Havergal. It will outline their activities, health and wellbeing, social interactions, achievements and areas of improvement. Boarding Reports are sent out around the same time as Report Cards. Student input surveys will be sent to students throughout the year, the results of which will be analyzed to inform and improve our Boarding Program.

Boarding School Student Handbook 2023-24


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