Boarding School Handbook 2023-24

Section 6: Daily Life and Routines

Boarding School students are subject to the rules and expectations in place for the Boarding School and Day School. What follows are routines and schedules that inform Boarding School and Day School life.

Day School Class Schedule The Upper School Day Schedules can be found here.

Access to the Boarding School During the School Day Students are not guaranteed to have access to Boarding at all times during the academic day and should leave for school with all required materials and items. If a student has an appointment during the school day, they are required to inform the staff on duty the night before the appointment and have a parent excuse them in VeraCross. Permissions must be granted by the Boarding School and parents (or guardians) for departures during the school day. If the student will return after 3:30 pm, they must submit a leave request in REACH (an app used in the Boarding School for students and parents to request and approve leave events, sign in and out of locations at school and manage their approved hosts). Grade 11 students in good academic standing may earn the privilege to return to Boarding during a last period spare after spring break. Students must also be meeting Boarding expectations. Grade 12 students are permitted to be in the Boarding School during their spare periods starting after the Thanksgiving Break. Grade 12 students must also be meeting Boarding expectations.


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