Torch - Spring/Summer 2019
Message from the VP, Student Engagement and Experiential Development
Preparing Future-Ready Graduates By Garth Nichols
W hen Havergal was founded 125 years ago, it became an innovator in education by supporting and challenging young women to make a positive difference in the world through a liberal arts education. Since then, research reflects that our world is increasing in complexity and uncertainty. To quote baseball great Yogi Berra, “The future just ain’t what it used to be.” As Vice Principal of Student Engagement and Experiential Development, I believe that education needs to respond to these changes, and at Havergal we are creating and finding new ways, as well as leveraging existing opportunities, to prepare our students for the future. Our students are using current and emerging technologies and taking part in experiences that develop key mindsets, allowing them to thrive now and in the future. One of the ways Havergal is taking the lead on innovation in education is through our robust and diverse co-curricular, interdisciplinary studies in STEM (science, technology, Engineering and math) and through our wide array of experiential learning opportunities, including Day 9 and encourages understanding built on critical thinking and creative confidence. We are enriching our liberal arts by using the technologies of the future: coding, robotics, computer hackathons and Blockchain, to name but a few. Through our Day 9 program, students are working with technology startups such as The Rumie Initiative, Toronto Western Hospital stroke research division, the Canadian Drone Academy, McMaster Engineering and Science program and more. These experiences expose students to real-world, high-pressured, collaborative and creative environments, where they are simultaneously developing, testing and using skills and approaches to become future ready. our Global Experience Program. Our STEM co-curricular program
Our Junior, Middle and Upper School students have engaged with virtual and augmented reality technologies during Day 9 activities that allow them to take on a F.A.I.L.—First Attempt In Learning. These technologies function best as ways to experiment and take risks in thinking and designing. For example, some students have practised public speaking in front of a highly responsive, but virtual, audience while getting biometric feedback. This experiential learning opportunity allows students to reflect on their communication skills as they refine their approach. Recently, our Grade 6 students used coding and robotics combined with virtual reality to deepen their exploration of space and the planet Mars. This highly experiential involvement with course material increases engagement in learning and allows students to make meaning in different ways. Once construction is complete, Havergal’s Makerspace will provide a designated physical space to consolidate and coordinate different types of opportunities for our students to think creatively, build and design in new ways and further develop these skills and approaches. Already, students are becoming more knowledgeable about 3D printing, computer science and learning advanced design software in their communications technology courses. These skills and approaches are setting the stage for working with new opportunities like designing with our laser cutter. Using 3D printers and other tools that were unheard of in schools 10 years ago provide students with opportunities to develop logical thinking skills to solve design problems. We are excited about this space and what it will allow our students to create, design and test in the world. Our faculty are using exciting approaches to technology that allow students to drive their own learning, which are part of a whole-school approach to digital
Garth Nichols, VP, Student Engagement and Experiential Development.
technology implementation. Faculty are leading their colleagues through our Educational Technology Integration Framework team-based approach, guided through proven technology frameworks where they reflect on the question: “How might we use technology to enhance and deepen learning?” Google Suite for Education, VoiceThread, DigiExam, Turn-It-In and other applications are tools that faculty are using to create a dynamic and highly collaborative digital learning environment with students. Teachers are regularly sharing their use of these technologies to enhance the student learning experience. Havergal is preparing our students to make a positive difference in the world through exciting educational innovation. We are leveraging technology and experiences that build a repertoire of skills and mindsets, allowing our students to thrive now and in the future. Our liberal arts approach, combined with these innovations, give students the critical thinking skills to engage with our biggest challenges facing the future and to thrive there.
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