Torch - Spring 2016

Caroline French Hong Kong International School 2015, Hong Kong Last year, I went on exchange to Hong Kong. The decision to go abroad was easy for me, but deciding to go to Hong Kong was a harder one. I wanted to be able to experience something that was completely different from what I was used to. I knew virtually nothing about Hong Kong. Before my exchange began, I was nervous that I had made the wrong decision. But, when my partner Kristy arrived in Toronto, all of my fears left me. After an amazing month with her, it was only a week until I was off to Kristy’s home. While there, I experienced new things and tried different and exciting foods. A great part about my experience was meeting new people. The first day I went to school, I was alone. Kristy was sick and I didn’t sleep the night before due to jet lag. Needless to say, my nerves were running high and I thought I couldn’t do it. I quickly learned that I had nothing to be worried about. Although the school was very different from Havergal, I felt that I was part of a community. Going to Hong Kong was definitely the right decision for me. I had such a great time, and the city is such a wonderful place with so many things to do that I would go back there in a heartbeat. For me, going on exchange was all about visiting a city where I could really experience a different culture. I learned a lot about going with the flow because everything doesn’t always end up the way you expect it. The exchange program really taught me to be open-minded and to appreciate differences.

French (middle, left) with new friends in Hong Kong.

Alex Salom St George’s College 2016, Buenos Aires

When I heard about applications for the exchange program in Grade 9, I was eager to join. I attended the meeting and heard a student speak about her experiences in Argentina the previous year. I fell in love with the idea of travelling to Argentina and seeing the difference between our two cultures. In the summer, I was excited to learn that I was selected to go to Argentina. My exchange partner, Wendy, came to Toronto in January. We got along very well, and she had the chance to experience the Canadian lifestyle. During our time together, I learned a lot about myself as a host. I discovered that I was outgoing, adventurous and caring. Hosting Wendy truly brought out the best in me because I felt like I had another sister at home. I am on my way to Argentina as I write this. I have dreams about exploring the capital city and experiencing different cultural events. During my time abroad, I hope that my Spanish improves, I make new friends, I learn new things in my classes and I discover more about myself.

Salom takes in her new surroundings in Buenos Aires.


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