Torch - Spring 2013
STEM activities this year include: • collecting and analyzing samples (water, plant, mineral, etc.) from the Burke Brook woodlands on campus • studying the impact of urbanization using school archives and the Internet • creating small-scale energy projects • exploring rocks and minerals and constructing model rocks using “minerals” created from wax • studying light and energy using lenses, lights, prisms and lasers • participating in soil sedimentation experiments • constructing working models of the solar system with LEGO • solving mysteries using knowledge of soil composition and observational skills • using microscopes to investigate living organisms • studying animal habitats and animal defense mechanisms • having small students show the power of machines by lifting adults • building crash test dummy LEGO cars to explore forces • using computer simulations to study light and planetary motion
The Wonder Wall
As a fun way to introduce the new STEM program at Havergal, Mr. Reiter created a Wonder Wall display in the front foyer of the Junior School at the beginning of the school year. The goal of the Wonder Wall was to focus student attention on a puzzling scientific apparatus and to have
the girls wonder what was happening. The display had small openings that revealed only a portion of the object when viewed from a distance. But when students zoomed into the objects, they could discover more. This is a technique normally used with photographs or interactive white boards; however, the Wonder Wall was a more tangible experience for the students, and they loved it!
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