Torch - Fall 2017
Gifts from Other Community Members
CORPORATIONS 1235794 Ontario Inc 1500103 Ontario Limited Annex Prop. Group in Trust Basil CSI BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Advisory Services, Inc. Bond, Schoeneck and King, PLLC Buildon Enterprises Ltd. C K You MD Incorporated Cindy Vining Golf Drs. Yang & Yuen Medicine Professional Corporation Luckson Trading (Hong Kong) Co Mandell Entertainment Group Inc. RSA Canada Senjan Golf Inc. Sisley Holdings Inc. Sonlab Holding Corp Tat Yuen Development Co. Ltd. Visa Givingstation FOUNDATIONS Betty and Chris Wansbrough Family Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Doncaster Foundation Gary Bluestein Charitable Foundation J & L Rogers Family Charitable Foundation Mountifield Charitable Foundation Murray & Susan Armitage Foundation at Toronto Foundation Peter & Catherine Clark Family Foundation Pollock Family Foundation The Andy and Beth Burgess Family Foundation The Boomerang Fund of Berks County Community Foundation The David Family Foundation The Gordon & Lorraine Gibson Family Foundation The Jilla & Robert Williams Foundation The Meyerowitz Family Foundation The Ricky and Peter Cohen Family Foundation The Sherry Taylor Drew Foundation Fiera Capital Corporation Grand Estates Canada Inc. Harvey Kalles Real Estate IOTP Development Inc Long Reach Investments Inc.
CURRENT GRANDPARENTS Lorna & Bill Anderson Jill Thompson Andersons 1965 Susan Ortved Armitage 1961 Joan Ridgway Baker 1961 & David Baker Elizabeth & Merrill Burton Dennis Caplice Margie & John Catto Nicki & Bryce Douglas Shari Graham Fell 1961 & Anthony Fell
FACULTY AND STAFF Hilary Adamson Cathy & Glenn Atkinson Jill Azis Kate Balsara-Pardoe Stephanie Bryant Gordon Bullock Monika Buzanis Peter Caira Catherine Caven Ortved Ingrid Chadwick Jenna Cowan Heather Barr Gina Boncore
Debra Mendes de Franca Poirier Sharon Miller Antonietta Mirabelli Risa Morris Elaine Morrison Mary Metcalf Muir 1981 Erin Murphy
Robert T. Myers Sandra Nelson Garth Nichols Lindsay Norberg Burke Paterson JJ Patterson Leanne Petroff Lauren Phillips Leah Piltz Susan Pink Alex Ray Valerie Rixon Brenda Robson Paul Shuebrook Roger Sibalon Leslie Hood Michael Simmonds Carrie Steele Robert Stepien Sandra Sualim Ina Szekely Sarah Szolopiak Keith Townend Katie Tranter Karen Mackasey Vanessa Wade Lea Anne Watt Kate White Karen Whitfield Julie Yocom Eunice Yu Anonymous (9) FORMER STAFF
Joan & Edward Fletcher Norma & James Gaskin Gillian &William Gillespie Sherrill & Colin Graham Jane & Dallas Grogan Nell & Norman Hardie J. Philip Hooper Virginia Hunter Debby & Lawrie Kaplan Jean Martin Lawrence 1951 & William Lawrence Betty & David Lay
Alice Dana Sally Danto Miriam Davidson Seonaid Davis Helen-Kay Davy Judith De Boer Tony diCosmo Renata Duda
Stella Leung Harvey Lupu
Kelly Elder Jeany Ellis Jessica Lewis Feader 2000
Donella & Derek McKeever Dina & Marijan Muchalov Hazel & Robert Ogilvie
Helena Follows Kyle Fredenburg Erika Friesen Franca Gemignani Jennifer Goldberg Michelle Golfman
Marion McTaggart Oliver 1950 Pamela & Desmond O’Rorke Gwynneth & Donald Parkinson Jean Probyn Gail & Tim Regan Pamela Hooper Richardson 1957 & John Richardson Gillian & Bruce Ross Adele Aziz Shamie 1949 & Norman Shamie Anne Hamilton Smith 1955 & Gordon Smith Colleen Smith Melinda Northway Thompson 1961 & John Thompson Sylvia & Leon Wein Julia Whiston
Pearl Goodman Jesse Grosman Cate Gulyas Maggie Houston-White Lynn Janes Heather Johnstone Meghan Junke John Kerr
Debra Latcham Denise Hartford Catherine LeBlanc Raeme Lockington Andrea Loyola Andy Lucacescu Sara Ly Kari Macer
Susan Ortved Armitage 1961 Lou Ann Fallis Ballard 1966 Joyce Bertram* Dora Boylen-Pabst 1992 Louise Cholette-Rees Rosemary Corbett Leta Dayfoot Marcelle De Freitas Sue Ditchburn Karen Herder Douglas 1992 Peggy Dykes Page Claudia Rogers
Gale &WilliamWhite Letha & George Whyte Sonia & Earle Wight* George Wilson Deidre Wood Sun & C.K. You
Jeff MacLean Gillian Martin
Lisa Massie Rosa Mastri Andrew McHaffie Laura McRae
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