Torch - Fall 2017
Carmen Martinez: Upper School Parent Fundraising Team Member
Martinez’s favourite HCPA event to attend is the Moms’ Night Out. For her, it’s a fun way to take a break, meet new people, connect with friends and appreciate what the school does for both students and parents. One benefit for Martinez as a volunteer is the opportunity to better understand the school vision and future. “I enjoy being a part of the HCPA and I continue to learn from each volunteer position that I take on,” she explains. Her goal for the next few years is to continue working with the HCPA on building stronger networks between faculty, staff, students and parents. Maricarmen supports her mother’s vision and is proud of her efforts to make Havergal a better place for everyone.
Mother of Grade 10 student Maricarmen Martinez, Carmen Martinez has been active as a volunteer at the school for the past three years. Her first role was as a ticket seller at Celebration Saturday. Since then, she has volunteered at various Open Houses and as a mentor at Career Connections (a career networking event at the Upper School). Last year, she joined the HCPA’s Fundraising team. With a background in marketing and sales, she thought to herself: Why not use my years of experience toward something I really care about: the future of Havergal College? Working on the Fundraising team, Martinez helped to lead the Upper School Bake Sale. “It was amazing to work with various teams at Havergal, including parent volunteers, staff, teachers and students,” she says. She is proud of the work the team did and very thankful for all of the donations they received from Havergal bakers and local grocer Pusateri’s. When her daughter, Sarah (currently in Grade 6), started at Havergal in Grade 1, Dana Rippon was immediately on board with the HCPA. She was Grade Rep for the first three years before taking on the role of Junior School Grade Rep Co-Convenor in 2015–16. This year, she is also co-coordinating the parent volunteers at the Junior School, which is no small task. As a member of the Welcome Committee, Rippon makes herself available to give school tours to prospective families. She likes helping out whenever a need arises in the Junior School, such as shelving books at the Learning Hub (which she did when Sarah was younger) and assisting with pizza lunches. She even helped organize the Junior School Bake Sale at Havergal two years ago, which has since become an annual event.
Since becoming a volunteer at Havergal, I feel very connected to the school. I am very active and am always seeking areas where I can add value. Every task is important to me and it makes me happy knowing that I am contributing to the future of the girls’ school.
Dana Rippon: Junior School Parent Volunteer
For Rippon, the benefit of volunteering is meeting new people with common values: “I have met so many wonderful parents who I may not have otherwise met,” she says. “Some have become especially good friends whom I will continue to cherish outside of my school volunteer roles.” Her favourite Havergal events are the opportunities for parents to see their daughters in action, whether it’s at the Arts Carousel, Harvest Festival, the holiday concerts or students presenting in Prayers. She also believes that parent socials are great opportunities to get to know and connect with the parents of her daughter’s peers.
Volunteering is really rewarding. I especially enjoy the opportunities to work with the kids.
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