Torch - Fall 2015
Institute at Havergal
Engaging Student Leaders in the Forum for Change
By Melanie Belore, Interim Manager of the Institute
S tudent leadership at Havergal takes on many forms. Formal leadership roles, such as Prefects and House Captains, perhaps come most easily to mind. However, leadership is also found in students who embody Havergal’s values through everyday acts of integrity, inquiry, courage and compassion. What all of these leaders have in common is that they are understood as learners . In other words, at Havergal a student’s leadership journey is focused on learning about herself and her place in the world—a safe environment in which to learn to take a seat at the table and work alongside others to build the kind of world in which they want to live.
Upper School students can find support on their leadership journeys within Havergal’s Students Act Now program. They are welcome to bring their thoughts, ideas, concerns and questions to the Forum for Change (room C32), where they will start by having a conversation. Institute staff members will help guide the students through the process of building an action plan, connecting with the right people and resources, and moving ideas into action. Anna Shinn and Clare Morneau are two such students who have emerged as school leaders through the Students Act Now program, mobilizing their peers into taking action on issues that matter to them.
Middle School students in the Forum for Change
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