Torch - Fall 2014
Old Girls News
Hundreds of Old Girls returned to Havergal to reconnect with former classmates and the HC community at Reunion Weekend on Saturday, September 27 and Sunday, September 28. This year, we welcomed back our graduating classes ending in ’4 and ’9. The 2014 Old Girls Reunion Weekend began on Saturday morning with Celebration Saturday festivities. Celebration Saturday is a wonderful annual tradition with the goal to help our broader community in the spirit of the “Bazaar.” Proceeds from the event support Havergal’s community partnerships, and each year Havergal students decide which organizations will be chosen to receive support. At Celebration Saturday, HOGA’s Annual Events Committee and many Old Girls volunteer their time to organize and run the Hava Java Coffee House, which is always a great success, and this year was no exception! On Saturday, the Reunion Years Cocktail Party brought together more than 320 Old Girls to mix and mingle with friends, classmates and former staff. Lots of laughter could be heard as they reminisced and looked at old pictures of their time at Havergal in the archives R eunion W eekend 2014
display (assembled by Debra Latcham, Library Technician for Havergal). Later that evening, each class moved on to its own special class celebrations, which were hosted in a variety of homes and restaurants around the city. The Reunion Weekend celebrations continued on Sunday with the Old Girls Chapel Service led by the school Chaplain, The Reverend Canon Susan Bell. The service included delightful remembrances from Di Davies 1964 and Kathy Vernon Martin 1974. We would like to thank Buffy Ash Spears 1965 and Sarah Siu 2008, who provided the musical accompaniment for the service. We would also like to thank Boarder Captain Le Dan Pham 2015, who spoke about Boarding life at the school today and what her experiences at Havergal have meant to her. After the service, the Class of 1964 gathered in the Ellen Knox Library to celebrate their 50 th reunion with a luncheon. Congratulations to our newest Cinquantenaires! Classes ending with ’5 and ’0 will celebrate reunions next year. Look out for more details in the spring and summer of 2015!
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