Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019
have lauded. He once observed that if “you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” Havergal, of course, has three libraries and stately grounds that feature more than one luxuriant garden. However, since the transformative build in 1999, there have also been significant changes to the silhouette of the Havergal landscape. In 2004, a long-anticipated bridge was built to ease movement between the Junior and Upper Schools, another step toward the realization of the ideal of “one school.” This addition also provided an opportunity for budding engineers in the Junior School to learn first-hand about the impact of societal and environmental forces on the construction of bridges through a lesson designed by Andrea Loyola, a science teacher in the Upper School. Also constructed that year was the viewing platform overlooking what is now named Ratcliffe Field in honour of Judy Ratcliffe, an Old Girl who taught physical education in the Junior School from 1958–94 and who inspired countless young women to strive to realize their potential both on and off the playing field.
Ellen Knox Library windows.
The Ellen Knox Library
This gracious room turned out to be an ongoing project for the Old Girls “as, over the years, books were re-bound, new books donated, and items added—a fire screen, the crest over the mantel, a globe and a stand.” The Old Girls have every reason to be proud of their efforts over many decades to ensure the Ellen Knox Library remains a delightful spot, one that resounds with memories of fellowship and quiet contemplation. Since the addition of the Reta Weston Resource Centre in 1979, the Ellen Knox Library has been used less as a study hall and more as a warmly welcoming place for meetings, religious services, celebrations—and more than a few weddings. In 1996, members of the Havergal community gathered to honour the library’s 70th birthday. It is worth noting that the windows in the Ellen Knox Library date back to the original build and are a striking feature of the architecture. They were repaired during the 2012–13 school year to improve their efficiency, and now the view onto the grounds is even better, an enhancement the great orator Cicero would no doubt
Bridge between the Junior and Upper Schools.
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