Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019
Boarding School Lingo BTI , Winter 1996 By Honey Singh
Some words are essential to existence in the boarding school: BSD: Boarding School Office (sort of like the DSO) Where there is always a don or other staff member on duty. This is where you “sign out.” J.D.: Junior Dons: The boarders in grade 11 and 12 who assist the Dons. They wear green and white belts with their uniform. Up North: Where boarders sign out to roam around Avenue and Lawrence. Chatterbox: A small study area with 3 computers where boarders chill with books and magazines. Families: Boarders are divided into three different families. They sit with their families on Monday nights (family dinner) and attend family events. Room Check: Each boarder’s don comes to her room on four days of the week to check that rooms are neat and tidy. Neatness is scored on a +2 to -2 scale. Perks & Points: A system where points (bad) and perks (good) are awarded to a boarder. Perks can be given for room checks, signing in/or breakfast and dinner, or performing other acts of good character. Perk Card: A card which is awarded to a boarder if 20 perks are accumulated. It can be used for sleeping in, leaving the boarding school, etc. Gatings: If ten points are accumulated, then gatings are assigned. Red is the worst type of gating, during which the boarder must sign in eve1y hour in the B.S.0. Sign In/Sign Out: Boarders in grade 9, IO and 11 must sign in every morning for breakfast. Failure to sign in will result in points. All boarders are required to sign in for dinner. Common Room: The BS has two common rooms. There is a large one located across from the chatterbox and a smaller one located further down from the BSO. Each common room has a television, VHS and DVD players, and comfy couches.
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