Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019




A whole girl is a well-rounded individual who balances a variety of opportunities, feels connected to her community and experiences personal fulfilment through the informed choices she makes …The entire focus is to enable self- directed, meaningful engagement in the world in order to build the capability of the school community and those with whom it partners … Whatever her life goals, a Havergal student proceeds with passion and confidence, knowing she possesses the academic and life skills to succeed in a complex and rapidly changing world. As Grace Woroch, school captain for the 2012–13 school year, so succinctly put it, “You don’t have to be the smartest girl or the most athletic girl in order to be a whole girl. It’s more about putting yourself out there and giving it your all.” ( Torch , September 2013)

Understanding, of course, how much students benefit from the sure guidance of passionate and talented adults, the plan highlights the importance of attracting and retaining the best faculty and staff. As mentors who monitor the girls’ progress and honour their achievements, they must be provided with first-rate opportunities for professional development. To be successful in a complex and changing 21st century, Havergal students, faculty and staff must believe in themselves. Our Strategic Plan enables us to create a culture of capability that will be deliberately and strategically embedded into every aspect of the Havergal education. By 2014, Havergal will retain its mission and values and yet be fundamentally different in how we live our vision.

“The Whole Purpose Behind the Whole Girl” Behind The Ivy ( BTI ), September 2013

The Joy of Being Girl 2013

I can be effective anywhere, anytime and with anyone.

I believe I can... engage. accomplish. contribute.

courageous confident resilient creative critical learner innovative curious risk taker problem solver ethical self-aware connected

reflect strive initiate enlist build assist explore listen recognize adapt evaluate communicate

Global Capability: It’s your approach to life that’s most important. Wherever you go, whateveryoudo,whomeveryouworkwith,alwaysbelieve inyourabilitiesandcapabilities to make a difference. Understand the key forces shaping the world. Believe in your ability and capability to influence those forces, even in smallways.Realize byworking in partnerships, you enable all those involved to reach collective goals.

Self-Efficacy: Believe in your ability and capability to accomplish a task, realize a goal anddealwith thechallengesof life.Youareyourowncontributor toyour lifestory—believe that you can make a difference. Engage in real-world problem solving, expand your understanding and knowledge,work in partnerships, and value our shared humanity.

Poster on self-efficacy.

Poster on global capability.


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