Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019
Ludemus , 2006.
Boarding, Havergal: Celebrating a Century.
the Boarders and further extend the opportunities for friendship, learning and life-long international connections. Facilitating the development of deep friendships is the shared experience of the activities the Boarding School offers. The emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual well-being of students is nurtured through programs that help them develop life skills that will serve them well in the years to come, including the perennial need for self-discipline. Aside from the question of whether or not a Boarder’s room meets the dons’ standards of tidiness, there is also the question of how to make the rooms in which the Boarders live as pleasing and as comfortable as possible. Each summer, the school is spruced up in anticipation of the return of Boarders in September, then each girl makes the space her own.
students and staff, and provides more opportunities for Boarders to mix with day girls. As well, prefects were given a bed upstairs and encouraged to spend time in the Boarding School, and now any school captain who is a day girl has a permanent space. The introduction of Teacher Adviser (TA) groups has also led to the formation of stronger bonds between Boarders and day girls. The Boarding School also happily welcomes not only day girls whose parents must leave the city for a period of time, but also exchange students. As explained in “Havergal’s Exchange Program: A World of Opportunity and Discovery” by Wendy Reid in the Fall 2007 edition of Torch : [a]dding to the experience is Havergal’s exchange program in which students from countries such as England, Australia, France and Mexico reside with
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