Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019
prior to the start of classes, they work on projects together and they simply have fun in one another’s presence. Year after year, it is clear that membership in Havergal’s houses inspires pride and loyalty, and that the friendships the girls form can last a lifetime.
“The Houses of Havergal” BTI , September 2008
Almost by definition, the house system inspires friendly (but very spirited) competition in a wide range of activities. As explained in the Fall 2013 edition of Torch : Students earn points for their Houses by showing improvement, demonstrating House spirit, performing special services or taking on additional responsibilities during their life at school. The House with the greatest number of points at the end of the academic year wins the House Banner, which was first awarded in 1943 to Margaret Taylor House. The House Banner is the most coveted group award of the school year, and the banners are on display in the Brenda Robson Hall. Given the quality of the house boards, it is obvious that the judges have a difficult task. The Upper School house boards were created in spring 2018. In Mrs. Davy’s first year at Havergal, she was interviewed for the April 2014 edition of BTI by Keely Douglas, who wrote that in the course of the conversation, Mrs. Davy explained that she loves the window display across from the Green & Gold Shop because “it is wonderful to see all of the house colours and symbols all lined up.” No doubt, house members would agree with Mrs. Davy. Ultimately, of course, the house system is strongest when all its members work together to accomplish what might otherwise have been impossible. Upper School House Boards, Spring 2018
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