Past, Present, Future Program
As School Captain, this year has been a special one for me at Havergal, and it holds even more significance now as we celebrate the school’s 125-year anniversary. I have been at Havergal for seven years, which is but a fraction of time compared to Havergal College’s great legacy. We do not often get the chance to celebrate our school all together, with past, present and future members of the community, so this is truly a memorable occasion and a moment that we can proudly honour.
I have always felt the presence of Havergal in my life. It has been a piece of my home, literally. My grandma had a painting of Havergal done when my mom went to the school and it still sits on the mantle in our basement. The stained glass windows in the Brenda Robson Hall and Canadian flag on top of the school remain today, just as they were years ago. Except in my mom’s day, it wasn’t called Brenda Robson Hall—Miss Robson was still a teacher then! I feel it is this connection between past and present that makes Havergal so special. This is why the school’s emphasis on alumnae has been such a big part of Havergal’s identity. Each student becomes part of Havergal’s Old Girl Association (HOGA) upon graduation, linking them to decades of past students, and it is lovely to see just how much students support one another beyond their years at the school. I would like to extend a thank you to the Old Girls who took the time to join us for our celebration tonight. Seeing your faces reminds us of the importance Havergal can hold long after we graduate. They say the most important things you can be given are roots and wings. Over the past 125 years, we have planted our roots deep, enriched with tradition and a dedication to learning. And yet, each year is another opportunity for us to spread our wings and venture to new places. Please join me in celebrating all Havergal has done, continues to do and will achieve in the future.
Catherine Thomas School Captain 2018–19, Havergal College
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