Past, Present, Future Program

COMPOSED SONG LYRICS Past, Present, Future: Havergal’s125th Anniversary Song

From The Dark, Movement 1 From the dark of the earth we come,

Wake The Embers, Movement 3 Wind, wake the embers of our hearts! Lightning, spark And thunder, roll Rouse me from our breathless sleep Released! Free! My heart, a torch Ablaze with glorious flame/life Twisting, turning, Bending and billowing We dance in the joyous dark Spark to spark And heart to heart We dance with ancient dreamers’ light My heart, a torch Ablaze with glorious flame

Seeking sun Seeking rain Rising higher and higher,

Pushing up Growing tall

Gentle gardeners, Tend us with care And we will bud And bloom

And bear fragile fruits By your teaching hands, We flourish

The Towering Panes (L’éternel vitrail), Movement 2 We are the many-coloured glass That stands together, shining Framed by stone walls, the windows tall Amid the ivy, climbing We lend ourselves to make the whole Hold back the winds and rains Each one distinct, forever linked To form the towering panes And so the light which passes through Our quiet corners, warming Is a reminder of ourselves, Past, present, future: thriving Nous nous prêtons à l’unisson Nous abritons contre la pluie Parties distinctes, mais toujours jointes Dans l’éternel vitrail


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