Kneesocks 2018-19

Sea Turtles are Endangered Emma Pink 4G

Sea turtles are a very endangered species. They lay their eggs on hot, sandy beaches like the beautiful beaches of Florida. The cute babies hatch out of their warm eggs and start to walk towards the brightest light they can see, naturally knowing it is the way to the beautiful ocean.

Nesting Behaviour

Sea turtles must find a quiet, soft, and dark beach to have baby turtles. Once the babies hatch out of their eggs, they must have a safe route to the beautiful ocean. In nature that route for the baby turtles is guided by the reflection of the moon in the ocean. Most turtles in Florida nest between May 1st and Oct 31st. (Nesting Season)

City Lights

Both humans and sea turtles love the warm beach, but the strong lights from human buildings attract the sea turtles towards land instead of the ocean. When they lose their path to the ocean which is their home they go towards land, and they often die by: getting run over by cars, eaten by bigger animals, starving or even drowning in swimming pools.


The state of Florida in the U.S.A. has created a law that forces people who live along the sea to turn off all lights between 9pm and 5am to protect baby sea turtles from going the wrong way. Anyone who breaks this law can go to jail for 6 months and pay a fine of $500!

The next time you visit the beautiful beaches of Florida, make sure to turn off all lights so these tiny creatures can be free and have a chance to survive!

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