Kneesocks 2017-18

Ballet By Jessica Yi 6C

Have you ever watched a ballet? Awed by the dancers gliding across the stage? Behind these intricate sequences lie hard work and strict standards.


Ballet has very high standards in terms of physique, they are harsh but very much required. Anyone can take ballet lessons, but only a few qualify to study ballet professionally. A ballerina has long limbs and a short, skinny torso. They cannot have big feet because then they would have a hard time balancing en pointe. It is also preferred that a ballet dancer has a short and graceful jawline.

Harder than it Looks

Ballerinas make each pirouette and arabesque look easy, but believe me, it’s not. You must be able to do all the fancy moves, such as holding your leg at 160 degrees, doing a series of pirouettes or even jumping into the splits. You must do all this while maintaining your turnout and engaging your pelvis and abdominal muscles. As you can tell, there is actually so much more to ballet than a bunch of tutus and twirls.

The Gory Part

Ballet is a beautiful example of sport. Like many other sports, it comes with a cost. Underneath those satin shoes, there are blisters, raw skin, and often an empty space where toenails should be. It is common to have very sore muscles or random injuries. A shocking statistics states that 4 out of 10 dancers are injured between the ages of 15-19. After all, ballet is very hard on one’s body. Long days of training in pointe shoes result in skin rubbed raw, bleeding blisters, and broken toenails. Now, do you think ballet is easy?

The Performance

Lights, Costumes, Makeup! Despite the hardships ballet dancers face, they continue their training because they have a passion for the form and because of the performance. It is truly a moment to remember. Girls are dressed in exquisite leotards and bouncy tutus. Men are dressed in detailed, flowing tops and colourful tights. The sets are giant, intricate masterpieces. Many dancers say that during a dance, they find themselves no long themselves, instead they are one with the character. Their moment to shine on stage makes it all worth it.


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