Havergal's Uncalendar, 2020-21 Academic Year
HRT3M – World Religions and Belief Traditions: Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges, Grade 11, University/College Preparation 1 CREDIT Are you religious? What does the word religion mean to you? Do you believe in a god or many gods? Do you feel that you have a soul? Is there life after death? Does life have a purpose or is it a series of random events? What do you believe in? Humans are in a constant search for the truth about who they are, what their purpose is and the overall meaning of life. Through the millennia, religions have evolved in an attempt to answer these complex questions and provide solace to the restless human spirit. This course provides students with opportunities to explore various world religions and belief traditions. Students will develop knowledge of the terms and concepts relevant to this area of study, will examine the ways in which religions and belief traditions meet various human needs and will learn about the relationship between belief and action. They will examine sacred writings and teachings, consider how concepts of time and place influence different religions and belief traditions and develop research and inquiry skills related to the study of human expressions of belief. Prerequisite: None This course can be taken by students in Grades 10 or 11. This course acts as a prerequisite for the Grade 12 Social Sciences courses. By taking this course in Grade 10, you are able to take Grade 12 Social Sciences courses in Grade 11. HSP3U – Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology, Grade 11, University Preparation 1 CREDIT What does it mean to be human? What makes people act like they do? In a nutshell, those are the kinds of questions psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists ask—and attempt to answer. We kick off in the fall with the psychology unit, in which we explore the well-known theories and ideas of Freud, Jung, Maslow and others. You will analyse the usefulness and limitations of their ideas, compare them to each other and to your own experiences and apply them to the lives of famous writers, artists and performers. You will also look at basic brain physiology and learning theories, including theories of motivation and behaviour. You will have an opportunity to play with these theories and “try them on” yourself as a learner. In unit two, you will assume the (sometimes challenging) role of an anthropologist and examine the stages of life (birth, childhood, adolescence, love and marriage, old age, death) from the perspectives of a variety of different cultures. We end the course with a unit on sociology, or the study of social groups, roles, values and norms. The final project allows you to be a real
social scientist—you will create a research question, conduct fieldwork and report on your research findings about a social issue of your choice. If you like writing, thinking and talking about human identity and behaviour from a variety of perspectives—and if you’re comfortable working with areas of gray, with no easy answers or bottom lines—then this is the course for you! Prerequisite: ENG2D – English, Grade 10, Academic or CHC2D – Canadian History Since World War I, Grade 10, Academic There is an e-Learning option, HSP3Ue. HZB3M – Philosophy: The Big Questions, Grade 11, University/College Preparation 1 CREDIT This course offers a lively, eclectic survey of Western philosophy—from the time of the Pre-Socratics, through to the Europe of the Enlightenment, up until our present day. Together we will explore some of philosophy’s biggest and most intriguing questions, such as: what is a meaningful life? What separates right from wrong? What makes something beautiful? How can we be sure that we’re occupying an authentic reality and not just some sort of simulation? To reflect on these and other questions, philosophy has established a long tradition of disciplined thinking and, in this course, you will develop critical thinking and reasoning skills as you explore how philosophers have responded to the big questions before applying their perspectives to the world at large. Prerequisite: None This course can be taken by students in Grades 10 or 11. This course acts as a prerequisite for the Grade 12 Social Sciences courses. By taking this course in Grade 10, you are able to take Grade 12 Social Sciences courses in Grade 11.
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