Havergal's Uncalendar, 2020-21 Academic Year
CANADIAN AND WORLD STUDIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES GRADE 9 CGC1D – Issues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Academic 1 CREDIT Canada believes it owns the North Pole, but so do the Russians. Can you resolve this conflict? Canada makes a lot of money selling oil to the United States. The United States says Canada’s oil is “dirty” and they don’t really want to buy it. Can you determine if Canada’s oil is too dirty? Should we be ashamed to sell it? The Inuit language and culture is under threat of disappearing. Should you care? What exactly are we losing? Toronto is Canada’s largest city, but did you ever stop to think why? Why isn’t Halifax or Québec City the largest? Both of these cities started long before Toronto. Will Toronto still be the largest city in Canada when your daughters are attending Havergal? Things change, you know? To be sure, there is a lot going on in Canada’s physical and human geography and this course gets to the bottom of it. There is only one thing that is certain: the only constant is change. Our landforms are changing, our cities are changing, the climate is changing, our economy is changing. And our vast country is incredibly diverse, changing from end to end. It rains in the west and it is dry in the north. In some parts there are mountains, while elsewhere it is flat. There are rocks and trees everywhere… almost. And in all this we make our homes, our neighbourhoods, our communities. The environment supports us and shapes us in more ways than we can count. And what we do in our daily activities in turn shapes the environments around us. This course explores this dynamic relationship, giving you the knowledge to make the important decisions that shape our land and our lifestyles.
GRADE 10 CHC2D – Canadian History Since World War I, Grade 10, Academic 1 CREDIT If you think Canadian history is boring, you won’t by the end of this course. We begin with the bloody and violent slaughter of World War I (1914–1918), when boys as young as 14 left the Canadian “Dominion” for the battlefields of Europe, many to never return home. In this war, so the story goes, a nation was born—and you will spend the year exploring the development of this Canadian nation. From the hopelessness of the Great Depression and the psychological warfare of the Cold War to the terrorist turmoil in 1970s Québec, you will ask yourself “what creates a nation?” and has Canada, in fact, built itself into a nation of which you can and should be proud. CHV2O – Civics and Citizenship, Grade 10, Open Semestered 0.5 CREDIT Civics explores what it means to be an informed, engaged and active citizen in a democratic society. You will learn about the elements of democracy and the meaning of democratic citizenship in local, provincial, national and global contexts. You will also learn about social change, examine decision-making processes in Canada, uncover what global citizenship means and explore your own and others’ values and perspectives on civic matters. This includes how to think and act critically and creatively about important issues relating to your own passions and beliefs in order to make an impact on your world.
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