Havergal's Uncalendar, 2020-21 Academic Year
SPH4U – Physics, Grade 12, University Preparation 1 CREDIT In Grade 12 Physics, it’s time to deepen your understanding of the world around you, but also push the envelope to the world beyond everyday life—quantum mechanics and relativity. Your imagination and math muscles will get a workout. The course will take you through the following topics: • Dynamics or “How do I launch things to get them into the waste basket?” or “Is it possible to orbit around a black hole without getting sucked in?” • Energy and Momentum or “Why it’s a good idea to follow through when you catch a hard fast ball?” or “What you need to know before bungee jumping?” • Fields (gravity, electrical, magnetic) or “How does the Earth actually make apples fall or the Moon stick around without touching them?” • Wave Nature of Light or “Is light wavy and why can’t I see the waves?” • Special Relativity or “Can you go faster than the speed of light (otherwise known as “warp speed” to Trekkies)?” Prerequisite: SPH3U – Physics, Grade 11, University Preparation
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