Havergal's Uncalendar, 2017-18 Academic Year
GRADE 10 AVI2O – Visual Arts, Grade 10, Open 1 CREDIT
AWT2O – Visual Arts Non-Traditional, Grade 10, Open 1 CREDIT This course is a non-traditional art course. You might think of it as photography, and you would be mostly right. The medium of choice in this course is photography, and you will use it to explore visual arts themes. You don’t just learn how to shoot pictures—you will approach photography as artists, looking at things like aesthetics, content and meaning as much as the technical side. From pinholes to pixels, you will start in the wet darkroom and move into the digital realm of photography. In addition to learning how to use a digital SLR, you will develop a working understanding of Photoshop and iMovie. You will also explore time-based media (video art) in this class. The year unfolds like this: you will begin by learning the basics of capturing light using homemade pinhole cameras and the black and white darkroom. A variety of digital photographic skills will be learned in the classroom and put into practice in your assignments. Still images will be used to create a narrative photo essay using iMovie. Your photo and video artwork will be shared in a blog that you will create and maintain throughout the year. This blog will also be used to explore the history of photography and video art and currents trends and practices. You will create and present a photography history seminar on one of the masters of photography. All students in the course will create work for the CONTACT photography festival at an off-site exhibition location in Toronto during the month of May. The year will end with an introduction to experimental film and video art, and the production of a video artwork. Note: This course emphasizes the production of non-traditional media art works (e.g. photography, experimental video, interactive media). Students will develop an appreciation of the history of photography and video art, and will create works using a variety of photographic and video technologies. Digital SLR camera or a digital camera that allows for manual control of aperture and shutter speeds is required.
Have you ever wondered how jewelry or glass artists work? Have you visited the One of a Kind Craft Show and been inspired? AVI2O is now focused on developing your design skills through a variety of craft and fine art projects. For example, in this course you will have the opportunity to work with a silversmith to create a unique piece of jewelry, and you will learn how to shape and design with glass, using our glass fusing kiln to fabricate amazingly colourful and delicate glass objects. If you interested in fashion and fabric, this course will invite you to use your creativity to design and create pieces of wearable art. As well, you will improve your drawing, printmaking and painting skills through a series of sketchbook design projects that connect with the craft processes you are exploring. We invite you to bring your individuality and imagination to this new version of Grade 10 Art. Open to students in Grades 10 to 12. Note: This course focuses on studio activities in one or more of the visual arts.
8 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Uncalendar 2017–18
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