Havergal's Uncalendar, 2016-2017 Academic Year
Religious education at Havergal is a compulsory, non-credit program for students in Grade 7 and 8. The Religious Education course seeks to examine the structures and paradigms of religions – using Christianity as our template – as an aspect of global capability. Students will understand the religion of people around the world and how it motivates them and forms them in community. The program is objective in its approach to religion, and students are encouraged to share their own background and experience of religion with each other in class.
GRADE 7 Grade 7 Religious Education
The focus of the Grade 7 program is on the way in which Judeo-Christian religious values are manifested: in the Anglican tradition, in society at large, and here at Havergal. We examine the celebration of holidays, rituals, vocabulary, and beliefs while attempting to answer the overarching question: “How do Jews, Christians, and Muslims keep their values front and centre?” This course is designed to bolster a student’s knowledge of religious traditions and develop the communication and thinking skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Students will analyze and interpret texts, with the Bible serving as a primary example. The course is intended to better ensure that students can become globally capable.
GRADE 8 Grade 8 Religious Education
The focus of the Grade 8 program is on the way in which Judeo-Christian religious values and the Anglican tradition, in particular, have been imprinted upon Havergal College. By pursuing this kind of analysis, students will also enhance their understanding of Havergal’s four values: integrity, inquiry, compassion, and courage. This exploration will be shaped by an attempt to answer an overarching question: “How have religious values left an imprint upon Havergal?” This course is designed to bolster a student’s knowledge of religious traditions as well as develop the communication and thinking skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Students will analyze and interpret texts, with the Bible serving as a primary example. The course is intended to better ensure that students can become globally capable.
46 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Uncalendar 2016–2017
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