Havergal's Uncalendar, 2016-2017 Academic Year
Reach Ahead Mathematics in Grade 8 During their Grade 7 year at Havergal, students in Grade 7 Mathematics may apply for Reach Ahead Math 8 for their Grade 8 year. Students selected for this course will complete both the Grade 8 and Grade 9 curricula during their grade 8 year and proceed to take Grade 10 mathematics during their Grade 9 year. Grade 7 math teachers describe the two courses and review the criteria to their students in the fall of Grade 7. Applicants are then assessed based on multiple data points collected throughout the year, including but not limited to: student initiative and aptitude, contest results, Thinking and assessment results, teacher feedback and observations, final exam and overall mark, as well as a placement test results. Students selected for Reach Ahead Math 8 are not “streamed” or separated into a “special” class in their subsequent years; Havergal’s Grade 10 to 12 Math classes consist of girls from both Reach Ahead Math 8 and Math 8. Regardless of which of these two courses a student takes during her Grade 8 year, all students have equal access to the full range of mathematics courses offered up to Grade 12 courses including Advanced Placement (AP). For more information on math pathways, please consult your teacher. 1 CREDIT In Grade 9 Math, you will continue to build upon your algebra, numeracy, thinking and problem-solving skills. This year you will extend proportional reasoning to making predictions, and analyzing the influence of Barbie on girls’ image of the ideal. You will master equations of lines, relate them to graphs on a grid and use your skills to conduct your own research project. You will pose your own question based upon your curiosity and interests to see if there’s a relationship between two variables, e.g., text messages and Facebook friends, number of sports you are involved in and how far you can be and still get a paper cup toss in. You will design your research project and identify how best to choose a sample of data. You will then collect, measure, analyse and present your data and conclusions using linear equations to make predictions. This will give you an opportunity to further discuss the meaning of rates, equations, slope and intercepts in a creative and engaging context. This is just one of the ways where you will apply newly acquired skills. You will expand upon your toolbox of working with algebraic expressions by manipulating exponents, coefficients, polynomials and systems of equations. Toward the end of the year, we also expand upon your geometry skills in two and three dimensions. Wherever possible, activities and lessons focus around balancing applications in real-life while challenging your ability for abstraction to help solidify your foundation for success in mathematics by framing math as a both a tool for informed decision-making and robust problem-solving. GRADE 9 MPM1D – Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9, Academic
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