Havergal's Uncalendar, 2016-2017 Academic Year

Simplicianna: Interesting. I’m always keen to know who’s in the latest issue of People or Glamour magazine. Prudence: Speaking of glamour, did you know that our English word glamour is really connected to the word grammar? Simplicianna: What? You must be joking! Prudence: No, really. The word glamour really does derive from grammar. Another word may help you see the connection. The English word “form” comes from the Latin word forma , which means “form” or “beauty.” This word hints at what the ancient philosophers tell us that when you can see the form of something, you can see its beauty. The form and beauty of a language is (believe it or not) its grammar. And the grammar of Latin is its beauty and pleasure. Simplicianna: Pain! Surely you mean that grammar is painful. Prudence: Pleasure. Grammar is about thinking—it’s thinking in the thickest and richest sense of the word: grammar is about thinking, understanding, interpreting, explaining and imagining. Thinking is being and being is life… Simplicianna: What? What are you talking about? Prudence: That’s more philosophy. But think about talking. Have you ever realized that a conversation is different from a discussion? Simplicianna: How so? Prudence: Conversation is from the Latin verb vetere (to turn) and the prefix con- (together); so a conversation is when we turn together to face one another and we take turns speaking. In contrast, a discussion (an English word with the same Latin root as concussion and percussion) is when we beat, hit, strike or shake the ideas that the other person expresses; we beat the ideas in order to beat the person; it’s like boxing, and there is blood. In a discussion there are winners and losers. Simplicianna: Interesting. I never saw that before. But weren’t we talking about Latin? What has conversation to do with Latin? Prudence: Everything. Did you know that Latin classes are taught around a Harkness table? We learn not only Latin, but also how to voice, listen, respect and suspend judgment. We learn how to think together—which is hard—but it’s a lot more fun than struggling on your own. Simplicianna: I like talking. Does that mean I’ll like Latin? Prudence: Latin’s not just about talking, Simplicianna. It’s about learning to voice your ideas. Quiet students enjoy Latin too. Simplicianna: But will I like it? Will it be fun? Prudence: I love it. Why don’t you try it? If you like words and the history hidden in words—as I’ve just showed you—and if you like thinking, then maybe you’ll like Latin. We often search for hidden forms and hidden meanings in words and texts. It’s like trying to solve a riddle. Simplicianna: Latin sounds puzzling.

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