Havergal's Uncalendar, 2016-2017 Academic Year
PSK4U – Introductory Kinesiology, Grade 12, University Preparation 1 CREDIT At the beginning of this course, you will learn all of the bones and muscles in the human body. You will spend a lot of time talking about the skeletal system and muscular system, and then you will complete a bell-ringer test. Then, you will study joints and sport-specific injuries. You will study some physiology—how the athlete’s body produces and uses energy—and the cardiovascular system. In the nutrition and training principles units, you will create a nutrition plan for a theoretical athlete client in a particular sport and will also create a personalized training plan for a classmate with a particular goal. All students present a seminar and a bulletin board that profile a social issue around Canadian sport and physical activity. The work is fun to do and you will make lots of meaningful and personal connections with the course content. Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 University or University/College Preparation course in Science or any Grade 11 or 12 open course in Health and Physical Education
26 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Uncalendar 2016–2017
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