Havergal's Uncalendar, 2016-2017 Academic Year
GRADE 10 PPL2O2 – Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 10, Open Semestered 0.5 CREDIT The Grade 10 Health & Physical Education course is offered for a half-year (opposite to Civics) and exposes students to a wide variety of activities so that students can play games that are fun and participate for the love of being active. Students will have some choice in what activities will be offered, understanding that their teacher wants to provide a positive experience for all. There is a four- day self-defense course taught by a guest instructor. In this unit, students learn about being aware, avoiding risky situations and learning how to defend themselves. In Health, students continue to learn about staying healthy by revisiting topics on risk-taking, substance use, nutrition, stress management and healthy sexuality. In Health there is a cumulative project of creating a “Teen Survival Kit” so that students leave feeling like they’ve made personal connections to their own health and well-being. If this is the last PE course you take, you will leave knowing how to lead an active, healthy lifestyle! PAD3O – Outdoor Education, Grade 11, Open 1 CREDIT You don’t need to be an intense tripper, know how to cross-country ski or even know how to scale a rock wall to be in the Outdoor Education course. You learn a lot of hard skills like tying knots and centre flipping a canoe along with soft skills such as listening and creative problem solving through initiative games. You will go on three trips: a canoe trip in September to Algonquin Park; winter camping at Kandalore in January; and a trip to Wahanowin doing all the rock climbing and ropes courses and trapeze in May. On these trips, you will live in tents, cabins and will even build and sleep in a quinzee (like an igloo), which actually is a lot warmer than it sounds. The menu is chosen and created by you so you know that it will always be good. In between preparing for the trips you will have a short health unit. You will gain many close friends throughout the classes and the trips. You will have unforgettable experiences and challenge yourself mentally and physically. 0.5 CREDIT This course is a fitness-focused course, utilizing the Fitness Centre, the pool and games that will help students develop and improve their fitness levels. Heart rate monitors and training will provide immediate feedback to individual students’ personal fitness programs and a wide variety of fitness methods will be used to maintain interest and excitement in the course. The Health unit examines adolescent concerns, including healthy sexuality, risk related behaviours and healthy relationships. PAF3O2/PAF4O2 – Personal And Fitness Activities, Grade 11 or 12, Open Semestered GRADE 11 AND 12 ATC3O2 – Dance, Grade 11, Open Semestered 0.5 CREDIT See the description for this course in the Dance section on page 1 .
24 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Uncalendar 2016–2017
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